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奖品叫做“屈原杯”。The award is called "Qu Yuan Cup."

后来,屈原投河自尽。Qu later drowned himself in a river.

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屈原看到这一切,极端气愤。Qu Yuan, see all of this, extreme anger.

在长期的流放生活中,屈原没有屈服。In the long life of exile, Qu Yuan did not.

楚国的危亡和百姓的痛苦,屈原痛不欲生。Chu people of peril and suffering, pain Yuan.

昏庸的楚王为什么把屈原流放了?Why did the fatuous King send him into exile?

本来已经死了,但是下去就碰到屈原在下面。But when I was down there I came upon Qu Yuan.

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屈原的生卒年月不详。The date of birth and death of Qu Yuan is unknown.

据说这样鱼虾吃饱了就不会去吃屈原的尸体。It is said that such fish and shrimp eat won't eat qu yuan's body.

借划龙舟驱散江中之鱼,以免鱼吃掉屈原的身体。Borrow rowing dispel the ancient fish, lest fish eat qu yuan's body.

汨罗江的出名,主要是因屈原的关系。Miluo River famous, mainly because of the relationship between Qu Yuan.

因为屈原在世的时候碰到昏君,所以他才要自尽。When Qu Yuan was alive, he met a bad King. So, he had to commit suicide.

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因为在公元前277年的那一天,爱国诗人屈原溺水而死。Because at that day in 277 B. C. , Chu Yuan, a patriotic poet, was droned.

屈原的“美政”理想只有依赖楚贤君才能实现。Qu Yuans ideal society could only be realized by a wise king of Chu Kingdom.

那时,楚国的大诗人屈原,正当青年,为楚怀王的左徒官。The great poet Ch'u Yuan became a minister for King Huai of Ch'u as a young man.

屈原的“神游”与庄子的“逍遥游”都是具有浪漫色彩的奇特的精神之游。Both Qu Yuans "spiritual journey" and Zhuangtse s "pleasant journey" are romantic.

面对国破家亡的局势,屈原于是年自沉汨罗。Facing the situation of country perishes, Quyuan drowned oneself Miluo in this year.

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屈原的忧患、孤独及以对死亡的坚定选择彰显了诗人鲜明的文化个性。QU Yuans misery, loneliness and selection to death display his culture individuality.

诸书为楚辞专家文怀沙对屈原作品的今绎。This series of book is the modern paraphrases by Wen Huaisha, the expert of Songs of Chu.

人们听到屈原跳江的消息后,都划船赶来打捞他的尸体,但始终没与找到。When people heard the news, they rowed their boats to try to find his corpse, but failed.