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搿个真个老难理解否?Is it hard understanding?

好像真个列车都屏住了呼吸。it is as if the train were holding its breath.

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图片赋予了真个网站以灵感。Photos provide inspiration for the entire site design.

真个此心终难负,况少年情绪。A heart with difficult negative mood, status of juvenile.

在英国,拿一个高真个沙龙来说,吹一下头发可能就要花费70英镑。A blow dry at a high-end salon might set you back around £70.

我们负责真个庄园的管理和组织工作。The whole management and organisation of this farm depend on us.

钻孔两真个水一结冰,就让它不停变小。Water on the sides of the borehole will freeze, making it progressively smaller.

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你可能能从你的同龄人,家人,或者真个社会上感受到压力。You might be under pressure from your peers, your parents, or society in general.

现在为止所卖命的地域完成为了凌驾300万台数字终真个贩卖。Areas of respoibility so far completed more than 300 million digital terminal sales.

开这个新的汽车经销公司的人刚开真个时分保证他卖的汽车要比任何人都低价。This new auto dealer opened up with promises to sell cars cheaper than anybody else.

操纵聪明纠正行为不真个孩子,但是这个孩子应该知道你爱他。Use intelligence to correct the misworking child though the child must know you love him.

韦伯斯特预言这样一次危机为他作为科学家的的真个职业生涯的大事件,并且为之做了完备的准备。Webster has been predicting and preparing for such an event for his entire career as a scientist.

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真个夏季饱受批评的詹姆斯也许此时比以往任何时候都更有动力打好比赛。And after a summer of being a lightning rod for critics, James might be more eager than ever to play.

这使稻草人感到无限惊恐,心想祸事真个来了,越怕越躲不过。This makes the scarecrow feeling of panic, thinking it a disaster coming, hide but you more and more.

这个案件引起了真个世界的关注,但是从本质上来看与其它的大型案件没有差别。This case has attracted worldwide attention, but it is, in essence, no different from other capital cases.

第二个火山口也有个湖,真个场面提醒着你这是火山喷发后的情景。There is also a lake inside the second crater and the whole landscape reminds of the one after an explosion.

类似的,一个棚户区的户主找到了一个婴儿,可是由于真个晚上暴露在空其中,婴儿已经死亡了。Again, a boarding house owner found out the baby but, after a night in the open air, the baby died of exposure.

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抵押贷款危机使真个社会崩溃——私人市场大量崩溃,特别是在华尔街。The mortgage crisis was a societal breakdown—a massive failure of the private market, Wall Street in particular.

这项服务同样不允许使用社交搜索引擎,而社交搜索引擎可以让用户搜索到真个互联网上的朋友。The service also will not allow the use of social search engines that let users locate friends across all networks.

她必定方才分开美发店,因为利用火鸡盘来挡雨是一种很极真个作法。She must have just left the hairdressers or something, because using a foil turkey dish as a rain-shield is pretty extreme in our books.