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我觉得我好像被讹诈了。I feel like I've been gypped.

我根本不准备向讹诈屈服。I'm never prepared to surrender to blackmail.

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那位妇女因信誉卡讹诈而被5个州通缉。That woman is wanted in 5 states for credit-card fraud.

美国和整个世界是不会接受这种讹诈的。America and the world will not be blackmailed . Applause.

他讹诈穷苦农民的钱财。He extorted money from poor farmers under false pretences.

他以保安局的名义,讹诈了八根金条。He in the name of the security bureau, a sinner, eight gold bar.

你这该死的讹诈者,我倒很想请你把底牌亮出来看看呢。You're a damned blackmailer . I've a good mind to call your bluff.

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最后,马多夫讹诈案阴霾未散,恐惧的气氛依然存在。And finally, the Madoff scandal continues to provoke extreme horror.

我们不信实力政策能够讹诈我们屈服。I don't believe the policy of power politics can blackmail us into submission.

再说,如果他们需要我,他们本来是可以很容易地通过讹诈手段把我留下来的。After all, if they had wanted me, they could so easily have blackmailed me to stay.

“也许是有人讹诈她。”有个女孩满怀希望地提醒大家。"Perhaps someone was blackmailing her, " suggested one of the other girls hopefully.

据报道,美国中央情报局喜欢用男孩和女孩的目的性讹诈。Reportedly, the CIA likes to use boys and girls for the purposes of sexual blackmail.

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但我只在开阔的马路上停留了一会,因为我有着强烈的愤世嫉俗感,那时美国人特有的,我也想起了那些当地人讹诈游客的事情。I had only been on the open road for a short time. My American cynicism was still strong.

陌生人想讹诈职员迫使他帮他取出钱,但未能得逞。The strange man tried to blackmail the clerk into helping him draw the money, but he failed.

小偷们欲掳走葵花讹诈德川,但逃走时却遇上正龙。The thieves bride-kidnapping sunflower blackmail to tokugawa, but get away but met are dragon.

对政府发起企业债券持有者的救助或许会是美国历史上纳税人遭遇的最严重的一次讹诈。A bailout of GSE bondholders would beperhaps the greatest taxpayer rip-off in American history.

那里的人向我保证他不会讹诈我,而且我应该向他问明白他带我去游览的事情。People assured me he wasn’t out to rip me off, and I should take him up on his offer of a tour.

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一些老人选择讹诈那些帮助他们的好心人,是因为他们没有医疗保险。Some elderly people choose to blackmail their helpers because they do not have health insurance.

外长在向新闻界发表的声明中宣称他决不屈服于讹诈。The foreign minister declared in a statement to the press that he would never submit to blackmail.

它不再想受油讹诈,也不想再被那些喂不饱自己的国家羞辱。It will not again be held hostage by oil demagogues, or humiliated by states that cannot feed themselves.