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取笑瘸子是残忍的。It's cruel to make fun of a cripple.

逗弄瘸子是残忍的。It's cruel to make fun of a cripple.

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一个是聋子,另一个是瞎子,而第三个是瘸子。One is deaf, another is blind and a third is lame.

北野武和萨瘸子率部队进入丛林。Kitano and sash a lame rate troops into the jungle.

我为瞎子的眼,瘸子的脚。I was eyes to the blind, and feet was I to the lame.

第二次,是当我看到她在瘸子面前跛行而过时。The second time when I saw her limping before the crippled.

严重中毒的人被认为是终身瘸子。Seriously poisoned individuals are considered lifelong cripples.

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她没有对任何人说过她怎么成了瘸子,没有说过她多么痛苦。She never spoke to any one of being crippled, or of being in pain.

那个瘸子腋下夹着一卷旧报纸又来了。The gimp came again with a roll of old newspapers under his oxter.

斯科特的肌肉萎缩,一条腿发育不完全,成了个瘸子。Scott's muscle atrophied, his leg became stunted, and he was left lame.

从此有俗语说,在那里有瞎子,瘸子,他不能进屋去。Wherefore they said, The blind and the lame shall not come into the house.

罗伯特,阁下突然深夜造访,老瘸子我有什么可以为您效劳的?Langdon, a dramatic late-night arrival. What can an old cripple do for you?

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那个瘸子一瘸一跛地四处吹哨,通知说不出工。The gimp went lamely around while whistling, informed us not to go to work.

有不少手杖都有被使用过的痕迹,这个证据表明图坦卡蒙在生前可能是个瘸子。Some show signs of heavy use—evidence, perhaps, that he was crippled in life.

被仇恨煞红了眼的刀锋恨不能将萨瘸子剔骨剥皮。By hatred meshach red eye blade hate cannot be lame eviscerate skinning pizza.

瘸子不在他敌人的头上敲断他的拐杖,是更聪明些的。It is wiser for the lame not to break his crutches upon the head of his enemy.

他曾经当过兵,不幸在一次战争中受了伤,现在成了瘸子。He had once been a soldier. Sadly, he was wounded in a war and was now crippled.

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你们的脚应履行正直的路,叫瘸子不要偏离正道,反叫他能得痊愈。Make straight paths for your feet, that what is lame may not be dislocated but healed.

在这样的情况下,哑巴都会开口雄辩,”瘸子会像鹿儿般欢跃”起来。In a case like that the dumb might eloquently speak and the "lame man leap as an hart."

没有信仰的科学是瘸子,没有科学的信用是瞎子。Science without religion is a lame, religion without science is blind. ----A. Einstein.