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利欲熏心与金钱看上去仅仅加重了他们的盲目愚昧。The careerism and money seemed only to embolden their blindness.

在上帝面前,她是一个利欲熏心的罪人,必会受到惩罚。In front of God, she is a sinner with heart full of lust, who will definitely be punished.

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由于利欲熏心,有些官员常常拿自己的政治生涯冒险。Driven by their greed for money, some officials often put their political careers on the line.

我正在考虑描述人类的不洁,人与人关系中利欲熏心的方面。I'm thinking about describing the nastiness of human beings, the sordid part of relationships.

政治到底是鼓舞人心的还是利欲熏心的,始终无法分辨。Whether politics actually encourages the trait or simply attracts those who possess it is unclear.

利欲熏心的冼致富将朱瑾告发,而面对行将降临的死亡,朱瑾谈笑自若,毫无惧色。Unite the rich will wash XunXin ZhuJin reporting, and face will come ZhuJin laughing as death, and fearless.

那时我了解的纳扎尔巴耶夫对于利欲熏心的俄国对新生的哈共和国的粗暴行为感到无比震惊。S. ambassador to Kazakhstan was, at first, shocked by the corruption-fueled Russian manhandling of his new republic.

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利欲熏心的贪污盗窃分子,一定要按照政策严肃处理。Those embezzlers and grafters who are reckless with greed must be dealt with seriously in accordance with the policy.

我们让自己进入了一个我们自己都很讨厌的,利欲熏心的事业中,认为只要有钱就会开心,这是一个很普通的情况。It is common to box ourselves into a lucrative career that we hate, with the belief that the money will make us happy.

当‘冷血无情’和‘利欲熏心’在对面‘人性’的拷问时,结局又会如何?When ' cold blood is merciless ' and ' be blinded by gain ' opposite ' human nature ' torturous when, is ending met again how?

他还说,如果政府不改变他们对虚假广告的态度,许多利欲熏心不择手段的公司还会继续钻这种空子。He said many unscrupulous firms would continue to take advantage of the loophole if the authorities did not change their attitude towards fake advertisements.

利欲熏心的部分无良商家,为了自己的蝇头小利,已经疯狂到不但要谋财甚至要害命的地步。Some of the unscrupulous businessmen motivated by financial gain, for their own petty, have been crazy to the point of being not only to finance even to or to.

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我认为一旦本轮调整行情将那些因利欲熏心而过于投机的数量型基金经理人震仓出局,美国股市将会重新回归正常轨道。I think once this correction has shaken off the group of greedy quant-fund managers who ventured too far out on the risk curve, this market's limbs will bend back to normal.

人们认为核能是一项大事业,但核动力却赋予利欲熏心的人掌握生死的权利。There is something that taps into people's view of big business, and in particular, nuclear power, which is giving profit-minded people complete control over life and death.

受着一小部分利欲熏心的禁毒主义团体的挑唆,以及惴惴不安的美国公众的默许之下,我们长期沉迷于一个失败的政策而不能自拔。The addiction to a failed policy has long been fueled by the self-interest of a relatively small prohibitionist community—and enabled by the distraction of the American public.