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我的主教,那个人已经走了!Monseigneur, the man is gone!

主教转过身来,朝着那人。The Bishop turned to the man.

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一位主教为他们证婚。They were married by a bishop.

而我呢,只是一个干瘪瘪的乡下主教。I am only a poor peasant bishop.

主教为新建成的教堂祝圣。The bishop blessed the new church.

我想当一个水管工,主教大人。I am at your service, Your Eminence.

在主教处所下方的弧线。The arc under the Bishop's Chambers.

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三季度长度主教袖。Three-quarter length bishop sleeves.

“现在,”主教说,“您可以放心走了。"Now," said the Bishop, "go in peace.

主教先生,我们来扯扯。Egad, Bishop, let's have a discussion.

主教主持了婚礼。The bishop officiated at the marriage.

我下星期一在高主教书院教历史科!I'll teach History in Raimondi College!

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不久以后,他成为了一名主教。Not long afterward, he became a bishop.

主教在大教堂执行圣职。The bishop officiated at the cathedral.

在主教广场又发现一个!They found another one in Mitre Square!

因为我爸爸是一个水管工,主教大人。Cause my dad is a plumber, Your Eminence.

最高主教狄格拜被当场提拔为大天使。Digby had been spot-promoted to Archangel.

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在395年,他成为希波皇室的主教。He was made Bishop of Hippo Regius in 395.

那是马赛马若尔教堂的主教。He was the Bishop of Majore at Marseilles.

牧师对主教是否过于恭顺?。Are priests too subservient to their bishops?