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那么让我们看看真凭实据。So let’s look at the evidence.

你要说服他要有真凭实据。You'll need real proof to convince him.

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当然会有真凭实据!Certainly have really with the factual proof!

我知道我们没有掌握他什么犯罪的真凭实据来制服他。I knew we had no real offense to hang on him.

我们不能在没有真凭实据的情况下就认为他有罪。We cannot condemn him without factual evidence.

我没有真凭实据,只有提出道义上的证据。I have no evidence but moral evidence to bring forward.

正是由于档案的这一特性,使档案成为历史的真凭实据,并具有了法律效力。Proof of history and the legal effect of archives are based on this attribute.

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尽管当时在科学上还拿不出确凿有力的真凭实据,但这个脚注却开始令人不安起来。A troubling footnote, to be sure, but the science was relatively new and unsettled.

研究目的在于找出真凭实据以支持你的论点。The essential goal is to uncover substantive, factual material that affirms your argument.

至于对那些创造大众文化的人们来说,具有真凭实据的爱国主义已不再是一种时尚。And as for those who create the popular culture, well-grounded patriotism is no longer the style.

约翰的成绩比平常高得多,有作弊嫌疑,但他的教授因找不到真凭实据而只能信其无。John's grade was much higher than usual and he might have cheated, but his professor gave him the benefit of the doubt.

有一种解释是说因为这样的人在母腹中时接触了更多的丸激素,不过到目前为止,这还只是一个猜测,尚无真凭实据。One possible explanation is exposure to testosterone in the womb, but so far, that remains more a curiosity than a clue.

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至于说疾病和战争限制了全球老化着的社群的消费,这方面我们还没有真凭实据。We don't know any of this for a fact, as disease and war have limited the world's experience with whole societies aging.

而遭受打击的一方心中也明白,或者是已经有了一些真凭实据,可还是恋恋不舍。But suffers the attack Fang Xinzhong also to understand that, or already had someironclad evidences, but or was reluctant to part from.

有迹象表明,学术界使这场人口辩论不那么被政治化,更多地依靠真凭实据的努力初见成效。There are signs that the academics are succeeding in their campaign to make the population debate less politicised and more evidence-based.

炼金术士没有理会人们对他的进一步疏远,他成立了一个极端分子联盟,以寻找外星人存在的真凭实据,借此改变世人对他的理论的看法。The alchemist ignored' the further alienation and built an alliance of extremists to get physical proof of the alien and to alter the world's view of his theory.

于是,为了满足我愧疚的良心和找到真凭实据来支持我的指控,我去了附近的一个公园,想找一些有关吉塔无数风流韵事的具体证据。So to satisfy my guilty conscience and find solid proof of my accusations, I went to a nearby park in search of concrete evidence about Geeta's countless affairs.

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美国国务院表示,有关投票欺诈的指称没有真凭实据,华盛顿对民主变革大会党抵制星期二决选的决定深感失望。The U. S. State Department says allegations of vote fraud are unsubstantiated, and Washington is "deeply disappointed" by the CDC decision to boycott Tuesday's run-off.

我如今既然找得真凭实据,可以证明这位王昭君确是一位爱国女豪来,断不敢不来表彰一番,使大家来崇拜。Since I have now found conclusive evidence to prove that Wang Zhaojun was indeed a national heroine, I dare not but commend her to you, that you may all worship at her altar.

要得到科研机构的首肯简直易如反掌,但是,由于当时温度计已经广泛普及,业余气象学家也掌握着真凭实据。Securing the consent of the scientific establishment was a simple matter. But thermometers had by then become widely available, and amateur meteorologists were making their own readings.