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讲话结束后,掌声络绎不绝。After his speech, applause went on endlessly.

参观展览会的人络绎不绝。A continuous stream of visitors came to the exhibition.

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今天是婚礼,家门庭若市,来往宾客络绎不绝。Today is his wedding. Many people are streaming to his house.

家人和朋友们络绎不绝地进进出出,表达他们的慰问。Family and friends streamed in and out to offer their sympathy.

邻里或是陌生人都络绎不绝的来找他咨询和治疗。Neighbors and strangers flocked to him for advice and treatment.

世界读者络绎不绝,世界读者增增日上。Readers flooded the world, the world of readers increased growth Day.

络绎不绝的往来交易,将寿光的蔬菜传向四面八方。Brisk transactions provide Shouguang vegetables to cities near and far.

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漆黑的街道上,络绎不绝的村民们在默默地你来我往。In the also pitch-dark road, villagers were coming to and fro silently.

长廊上晚来人络绎不绝,私语只说与对面人儿。The gallery to people in a continuous line, whispers said only with opposite.

夜晚,同乐坊的天空五彩斑斓,狂欢的人群络绎不绝。The night sky with colorful Band gorgeous, the crowd flocked to the carnival.

数以百万计已络绎不绝,有在战争年代,他们需要娱乐。Millions had flocked there during the war years and they needed entertainment.

骊山的美景吸引了络绎不绝的游人。The beautiful scenery of Lishan Mountain attracts a steady stream of visitors.

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清溪河畔,行人络绎不绝,两岸烟花烂漫,璀璨星河。Qing River, pedestrian in a continuous line, the bloom of fireworks, bright star.

向着石琴,多少人兴致昂然,络绎不绝,流连忘返。Toward the Qin Shi, the number of people who proudly interest, flocked to forget.

在这里,形形色色的农家院子和名人故居始终人流如织,游客络绎不绝。Farmhouses in various styles and Chinese celebrities' old houses are visitor hot spots.

自2005年4月招商以来,考察学习的加盟商络绎不绝。Investment since April 2005 has been an endless stream of study tour of the franchisee.

繁忙的都市冷冷清清,传统市场人山人海,大家忙着办年货,返乡人潮络绎不绝。Busy cities empty, traditional markets fill with holiday shoppers, and people journey home.

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来自世界各地的滨鸟爱好者正络绎不绝地来到这一内陆天堂。Shorebird enthusiasts from all over the world are already traveling to this inland paradise.

有一天我和妈妈在市场买菜,市场里嘈杂的叫卖声此起彼伏,讨价还价声络绎不绝。One day my mother and I in the market to buy food, a noisy cacophony of the market, haggling.

现在人们首选购买“有机”食品,探访小毛驴市民农园的人们络绎不绝。Now, more people are buying food that's labeled "organic." More people are visiting Little Donkey.