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XIP移植的杂项更新。Miscellaneous updates on XIP porting.

叠加杂项费用叫做“覆盖”。Heaping on charges is called "shrouding."

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杂项规则和评论奥格登。Miscellaneous Rules and Comments by Ogden.

带些额外的的钱,用来支付出租车费、小费和其它杂项。Carry extra cash for taxis, tips and other incidentals.

你将需要准备好付小费和乘出租车之类的杂项开销。You'll need money for incidentals such as tips and taxis.

一原领之建造执照或杂项执照。The original construction license or miscellaneous license.

杂项钢的连接应设计成用普通螺栓?Connections of miscellaneous steel shall be designed with ordinary bolts.

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杂项被改写为鞋子在鞋子颜色设定的画面。"Misc" has been reworded to say "Shoes" on the shoes color settings screen.

不要将支出列在诸如“杂项”或“一般性支出”一类的条目下。Don’t list expenses under headings such as “miscellaneous” or “general expenses.”

此外,其他的杂项服务也会为你提供结识更多有趣客户的机会。Also, their complex services give you the opportunity to meet more interesting clients.

在Google公司,我们已经开始使用它来征询包括注册登记、问卷调查和杂项等信息。At Google, we've already been using it for signups, surveys, and miscellaneous mischief.

但是,像往常一样,安全和其他杂项的费用就得是花纳税人的钱了。But as usual, it'll be taxpayers' money covering security costs and other sundry expenses.

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是指车间里发生的杂项成本,应该分配到产品成本上去。Well, it is the miscellaneous cost incurred in the plant and shall be allocated among the products.

上述成本包括食品、住房、交通、衣着、医疗保健、教育、托儿和其他杂项费用。That includes food, housing, transportation, clothing, health care, education, childcare, and other miscellaneous expenses.

实施原料管理的弹性项目是否有助于支持订单、投入需求与更改杂项的重新编排?Are flexibility programs in place to manage materials to support with rescheduling orders, upsides in demand and change mix ?

在花卉,帐篷支架,其他物品的租金,电视费用,各种邀请和其他杂项费用也达几千美元。Thousands more were spent on flowers, tent set-ups and other rentals, the cable bill, invitations and unspecified "services."

采购产品塑料和金属家庭用品,厨房用品,微波炊具,餐具,浴室配件,杂项物品,家电。Plastic and Metal Household Products, Kitchenware , Microwave Cookware, Tableware, Bathroom Accessories, Sundry Items Home Appliances.

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照相机是好的,但只能在白天,在傍晚或夜间画面质量也不好,因为你可以预期有一个2杂项相机。The camera is good but only in daylight, in evening or night the picture quality is not that good as you can expect with a 2 mp camera.

你可以在你的纳税申报表上以杂项或经营费用的名义从你的纳税准备费用中扣除。You can deduct the cost of having your taxes prepared either as a miscellaneous deduction on your personal return or as a business expense.

正如个人携带现金是为了支付杂项消费,银行持有储备也可以应付现金提取,支票兑付以及银行转帐。Just as individuals carry cash to cover incidental spending, banks hold reserves to cover cash withdrawals, cheque payments and bank transfers.