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红旗迎风招展如何表达?The red flag flaunt in the wind.

躺在迎风招展的花朵脚下。Beneath the feet of dancing flowers.

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彩旗迎风招展。Coloured Banners spread in the wind.

惟有那野玫瑰花儿在他们在壕沟中发现他的时候在头上迎风招展。But the wild rose was above him when they found him in the ditch.

直到,我看见了那一片迎风招展的经幡,金碧辉煌的屋顶。Until I saw it fluttering in the breeze of a Jingfan, resplendent roof.

一种解毒剂的旗帜迎风招展的巨大香水在展会期间的压轴。A huge banner for Antidote perfume was unfurled during the show's grand finale.

东面缘河两岸的杨柳似乎也伸长了,迎风招展。The eastern edge of Willow River seem to elongation, and fluttered in the breeze.

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没有一个地方能听到春天枝叶迎风招展的声音,或是虫儿挀翅的欢鸣。No place to hear the unfurling of leaves in spring, or the rustle of an insect's wings.

这是一个凉爽的四月早晨,我能看见花园里的郁金香迎风招展着。It’s a bright cool April morning and I can see red tulips whipping in the windin the garden.

彩旗猎猎,迎风招展,首先通过主席台的是国旗队,彩旗队。Flags fluttering, fluttering in the breeze, first through the podium is the flag team flags team.

尽快在卧室里的灯灭了有搅拌和所有通过农场建筑物迎风招展。As soon as the light in the bedroom went out there was a stirring and a fluttering all through the farm buildings.

树上挂满了黄手绢——二十条,三十条,或许有几百条,一棵树立在那儿就像欢迎的旗帜在迎风招展。It was covered with yellow handkerchiefs-20 of them, 30 of them, maybe hundreds, a tree that stood like a banner of welcome billowing in the wind.

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树上挂满了黄手绢——二十条,三十条,或许有几百条,一颗树立在那儿就像欢迎的旗帜在迎风招展。It was covered with yellow handkerchiefs – 20 of them, 30 of them, maybe hundreds, a tree that stood like a banner of welcome billowing in the wind.

潘石屹常常一口气征服一座高山,为鸟儿安放一个自己打做的小窝,几个箭步爬上一棵大树摘下一个迎风招展的破塑料袋。Pandanyi often go conquer a mountain, a place for the birds to do their own nest, several sudden big stride forward climbed up a tree off one of the broken plastic bags fluttering in the wind.

这天虽是风平浪静,然而就在这时候军队中起了一阵微风,轻轻地拂动矛上的小旗,迎风招展的军旗拍打着旗杆。And at the same moment, though there had been no wind, a faint breeze fluttered over the army, and stirred the streamers on the lances, and sent the unfurled flags flapping against their flagstaffs.