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我遗失了我的耳环。I lost my ear-ring.

罗斯得到一副耳环。Ross gets an ear-ring.

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我对耳环一直情有独钟。I always wanted an earring.

这耳环可以夹在耳朵上吗?Are your ear-rings clip-ons?

你们有卖夹的耳环吗?。Do you sell snap-on earrings?

她穿了耳朵眼以戴耳环。I'm not interested in earrings.

多么玲珑可爱的耳环!What pretty ear-rings they are!

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她穿了耳朵眼以戴耳环。Loop the ear hook over your ear.

她将她的耳环充当饰针。She served her earring as a pin.

她戴著漂亮的耳环。She is wearing beautiful earrings.

他的耳朵上戴着一副铜耳环。He sported a pair of brass earrings.

她将她的耳环充当饰针。Huge earrings dangled from her ears.

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她穿了耳朵眼以戴耳环。She pierced through ears for earrings.

因此我喜欢耳环围巾和太阳镜。So I like rings, scarfs and sunglasses.

她的耳环是珍珠,心中却是石头。Pearls in her ears, stones in her heart.

对不起,这些耳环是不能试带的。Sorry, these earings should not be tried.

选择钻石耳环或者单手镯。Opt for stud earrings or single bracelets.

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那耳环是由一根细金链子吊着的。The pendant was hanging by a thin gold chain.

她的耳环危悬如达摩克利斯之剑。and her earrings dangle like Damocles' sword.

您不想看看耳环和戒指吗?Don't you want look at some earings and rings.