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破折号比连字号长。The dash is longer than the hyphen.

我甚至开始在作文时运用破折号。I even started using dashes in my writing.

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下划线只有一个糟字可言,坚持使用破折号。Underscores are just bad. Stick to dashes.

这里也一样,应当在冒号之后加破折号。Here, too, the lon must be followed by a sh.

如果你写的是HTML格式的邮件,用破折号、星号和子弹号立出清单。Make lists with dashes, asterisks, or bullets if you use HTML email.

这里该用逗号、问号、破折号还是分号?Shall we put a comma, a question mark, a dash, or a semi-colon here ?

不要设法驾驶一与您的在破折号接收器的固定放大器。Don't try to drive one with your in-dash receiver's built-in amplifier.

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称谓后面是要用冒号、逗点仍是破折号。My question is whether to use a colon, comma, or dash after the salutation.

复制激活码的凯基与分隔的数字破折号。Copy the activation code to the keygen with the numbers seperated by dashes.

所以,既然一生就是一个破折号,瞬间即逝,你为何不竭尽全力去夺取目标?So since life is a dash and goes by so fast, you might as well go for the gold!

如果某个部分中有一个破折号或是一个特殊的字符的话,这个词就有可能太长。If a section has a dash or special character in it, the word is probably too long.

输入方括号插入零九个破折号将排除所有号码匹配。Typing square bracket caret zero dash nine will exclude all numbers from matching.

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一个比较保守的网站,如银行的,就需要考虑破折号过于随便,避免使用。A less trendy site, such as a bank’s, may consider dashes too casual and avoid them.

另一种用法是使用二个连字符来表示破折号,这一做法同样来源于打字员时代由于打字时的为了视觉上对文本进行有效的区分。The practice of using two hyphens for a dash is a holdover from the days of typewriters.

尽管连字符看上去很像破折号或减号,但他还是一个符点符号而非数字符号。Although the hyphen does look quite a bit like a dash or minus sign, it is a punctuation mark.

的破折号不计,因为它们是作为风水是集中于一个问题。The dashes aren't counted as they are made, as the geomancer is focussing on an issue at hand.

接着,简要地说明地点,然后用一个破折号提及时间。Follow this up with a succinct description of the location followed by a dash and a time reference.

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第五句先用平行的名词词组,而后在破折号后写道“所有这些都是科学家生活的一部分”相当独特。Countless sleepless nights, thousands of failures and even more—all of these are part of a scientist’s life.

她的破折号就像她诗集中的逗号,她大多数的作品都没有名字。Her dashes look almost like commas in fascicles, and she created no titles for the vast majority of her poems.

他建议说,在你填写申请表的时候,在薪资栏划上破折号,这样做代表你看到了这个选项。If you're filling out an application, put dashes in the box for salary history, indicating that you saw it, he says.