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订货货单编号是0018。It 's number 0018.

这货物与货单不符。These goods do not correspond with the list.

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现金出纳机旁边有张部分的进货单。There's a partial list over by the cash register.

出货单的单号是否有参考文件?What reference is made to the delivery note number?

他对照货单检查了箱子里装的东西。He checked the contents of the box against the bill.

对照货单和舱单检查到达货。Check incoming cargo against airway bills and manifests.

实现进货单和销售单的添加和查看。Jinhuochan and achieve sales and the addition of single-View.

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我们的订货单可不可以更改?订货货单编号是0018。Be it possible to make a change in our order? It's number 0018.

该货单包括我方目前所能提供的各种纸品。The list comprises our present availabilities in the paper line.

准备发票,出货单,下定单和有关文件等。Prepare packing list, delivery orders, invoices & related document.

当晚,关跃就乘飞机赶到北京拿回取货单。At that night, Guan Yue flied to Beijing to fetch the bill of lading.

铅封ID号和货单唯一关联,便于货运图谋。ID seals , the only association with the manifest for cargo management.

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我们必须等着收运货单,但要设法早一点收到。We have to wait to receive the freight bill, but will try to do them earlier.

第五联收货单及第六联由配舱人留底。Receiving one-fifth, and sixth in conjunction with cabin to stay together by the end.

负责行政职责,开发票,开送货单,计算和发工资。Perform administration duty, issue invoice, delivery order & help in preparing payroll.

关乎所涉物品的提单、空运提单或出货单的编号。The number of the bill of lading, air waybill or delivery order relating to the article.

帮助审核收货记录、送货单与采购申请单上的各项内容是否相符。Helps to check and match invoices or delivery order with purchase order or purchase requisition.

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它的货单实时查找业务成为采矿设备工业中的一项宝贵服务。Real-time inventory tracking made this a valuable matchmaking service in the mining parts industry.

由于出货单是由承爱签署的,承爱以为嘉丽怀疑她把画偷了。Due to the delivery note is signed by love, bearing love thought Carrie suspect she stole the picture.

把收货单的部门联交给相关部门,供应商联交给相关供应商。Forward copies of Receiving Records to departments concerned with the original copy given to supplier.