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当然,它也是我们谈论最好的模本Certainly, it's a perfect model for what we're talking about.

中国传统艺术中的“图式”,指的是现成的造型模本。"Schema" that in Chinese traditional art, what to point is a ready-made shape mold originally.

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把思想通过小说模本生产出来是现代派实验小说的特征。The production of ideas via nov el proto type is a characteristic of modern experimental novels.

学生们能够在这样的网站中取得编写论文的窍门,乃至也能够由网站给他们写好整部的论文模本。They can get anything from tips on how to answer the essay, right through to a full model essay.

据说,他用了妻子的手臂为模本,但又觉得她的脸太漂亮,不适合做神像。It is said that he had used his wife's arm as the model, but felt her face was too beautiful for the statue.

建模本身独立于开发过程,但它贯串于整个开发过程。Modeling is independent to development process , at the same time it permeates the whole development process.

本课程中大部分的主题也提供课堂讲义和作业模本之PDF版本。Sample homework Assignments and Lecture Notes are also in PDF versions for most of the topics in the subject.

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转述,是指人们通过口头和书面形式对模本内容的中间传递。Reporting refers to the transmission of the content of calligraphies between people, either spoken or written.

这份协议为中英文模本,两种语言的协议应在法律上同等效力阅读全文…This agreement is made both in Chinese and English. The two versions of agreement shall have equal status in law.

许多由我们开创的操作方案和技术后来成了业界的模本,我们为此感到骄傲。We pride ourselves on having pioneered many of the practices and techniques that have become standard in the industry.

该标准预计将为替代燃料创造新的市场,并有望成为国家政策的模本。The standards are expected to create a new market for alternative fuels and could serve as a template for a national policy.

不过,越来越多的学生使用这种服务的目的是把提供的论文模本抄袭下来当成是他们自己的成果上交,这就是抄袭与剽窃。However, more and more students are using these services to copy a model essay and pass it off as their own, which is plagiarism.

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考虑束-离子通道边界上等离子体电子可能发生的扰动,导出了TM模本征方程的理论式。Considering the disturbance of the plasma electrons at the beam-ion channel boundary, the eigen-equation of TM mode has been derived.

作为南模的一员,你对南模本周一发动的“爱河爱水爱健康,我为环保献良策”活动有何感想?As a member of Manmo, what would you like to do for the campaign for environmental protection started this Monday morning at our school?

苏俄红军的政工制度成为国民党进行政治工作的模本,党代表制与政治部制是政工制度的两大组成部分。In June of 1925, the army in Guangdong province changed their names to the Nationalist Army, carried out the Kuomintang delegate system.

每一个网站都需要一种不同的布局,设计和模本来销售商品。Every website is going to require a different type of layout, design and copy to sell products. But designers can strive to do more with less by

他说他想让这个角色听上去象个皇家军官,因此我们采用了类似旧英帝国为模本的英军上校的口音。He said he wanted him to sound like an Imperial officer, so we went with sort of the British colonel approach modeled on the old British Empire.

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用矩阵光学理论对一般非轴对称光学谐振腔进行了研究,得出基模本征解。Conventional axially-asymmetric optical resonator is investigated by means of matrix optics theory. The fundamental eigen mode solution is obtained.

产品宣言是根据“形式认可产品”模本为基础,系列生产的产品与“形式认可产品”相一致。The Declaration of Conformity is most often based on a one sample of a "type tested product" that ideally should be identically reproduced in series.

中国对中国好声音这类以外国节目为模本制作的电视节目加以限制,希望借此让中国电视台制作更多原创节目。China is restricting TV shows based on foreign formats such as "The Voice of China, " hoping to generate more original programming among Chinese TV channels.