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那是我的生活原则。That is my life standars.

第一个原则是习惯化。The first is habituation.

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应用相同的原则。The same principles apply.

但权利大于原则。But power trumps principle.

OPC是一个基本的原则。OPC is a generic principle.

遵循禅体的原则。Follow a Zen-Body principle.

他毫无行为原则。He has no principles at all.

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公平是法律的原则。Justice stands behind the law.

Twilio的原则是否足够?Are Twilio's principles enough?

指导原则依然是管制。Control is still the watchword.

不要违背原则。Don't derogate from principles.

过期权利丧失原则。Principle of outdated be losed.

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国际公认会计原则对其做出了定义The GAAP standards define this.

顺便说下这个原则是一定对的么?Is that always true, by the way?

我是我自己主人的原则。It's the idea that I own myself.

你在违反我们的原则。You are traducing our principle.

一个基本原则是重构。The basic principle is reframing.

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不要违背我们的原则!Don't derogate from our principle!

这是一条简单的设计指导原则。This is a simple design guideline.

信仰能加强道德原则。Faith undergirds moral principles.