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他折断了胸骨和髋关节。He’d fractured his rib and hip.

胸骨、肋骨亦分别切开。Breastbone and ribs were cut respectively.

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躯干骨包括脊柱骨、肋和胸骨。Trunk bones included spine, rib and breastbone.

胸骨小呈银杏叶片状,具低的龙骨突。Sternum small and ginkgo leaf-shaped with low keel.

其损伤性更小,操作比胸骨切开术更为简单。That is less invasive, less surgery than sternotomy.

胸骨明显,但没有夸张的突出。The breastbone bold, without being unduly prominent.

本人的胸骨部分为什么老是响?Why does oneself sternal section often make a sound?

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发热、头痛、喉咙痛、咳嗽、胸骨后疼痛。Fever, headache, sore throat, cough, retrosternal pain.

胸壁肿瘤以良性居多,但胸骨肿瘤以恶性为主。Most of chest wall tumors is benign except sternal tumors.

胸骨虞廔管是心脏手术之后罕见的合并症。Sternal fistulae are a seldom event after cardiac surgery.

目的探讨胸骨后甲状腺肿的诊断和治疗。To study the diagnosis and treatment of substernal goiter.

左胸骨畸形要吃什么药治疗啊?What medicine should left sternal deformation eat to treat?

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吸气,双手从脚上松开。胸骨上提。Inhale, release your hands from your feet. Lift your sternum.

胸腔的皮肤扩张远离胸骨。Draw the skin overlying your front ribs away from your sternum.

向天花板的方向提起你的胸骨并向两侧伸展。Lift your sternum toward the ceiling and expand it side to side.

采用左后外胸腹联合切口及胸骨正中切口。Patients were with mid-sternotomy and thoracoabdominal incision.

目的探索胸骨正中劈开径路理想的皮肤切口。Objective To investigate the skin incision of the median sternotomy.

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目的探讨胸骨后甲状腺肿的诊断和手术方式。Objective To discuss the diagnosis and operation of substernal goiter.

相反,踝关节、腕关节和胸骨注射似乎不那么安全。Conversely, ankle, wrist, and sternum injections appear to be less safe.

吸气并提拉你的胸骨的上部来伸展前侧躯干。Inhale and lift through the top of the sternum to lengthen the front torso.