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这个浮子在水中上下浮动。The float bobs up and down in the water.

这个值一直在变化,在100上下浮动。And it just bounces around, hovering around 100.

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蔬菜的价格在不同的季节上下浮动。The price of vegetables often yo-yo in different seasons.

价格随市场货币的不稳定而上下浮动。The prices fluctuated in line with currencies in the market.

也就是中国政府强调的人民币汇率不会上下浮动。That's Chinese government-speak for “the yuan ain't going nowhere.”

太阳的活动通常在一个还算规则的周期内上下浮动。The sun's activity usually ebbs and flows on a fairly predictable cycle.

另一些股票可能上下浮动,因为它们反复无常。And other stocks might jump up and down a lot because they're very volatile.

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你可以不费吹灰之力地上下浮动,全身沐浴在幸福的感觉之中。Bobbing effortlessly, you feel a pleasant sense of well-being wash over you.

她的头上下浮动在水波之上,下一个浪头会把她吞没。Her head's bobbing just above water. The next wave that comes will swallow her up.

现在马萨诸塞湾的十个监听浮标正上下浮动,事实上能帮助到动物们。The ten listening buoys now bobbing in Massachusetts Bay could actually help the animals.

集水仓中的小桶可以在进汽管口上下浮动。The cup inside drain sumps is capable of floating up and down at the opening of the intake pipe.

同样地,政府的援助也会随着灾难的程度而上下浮动。Similarly, government aid pledges increase or decrease depending upon the extent of the disaster.

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流动在地壳下的滚烫的岩石使这个地区上百米地上下浮动。Hot rock flowing beneath the Earth's crust caused the region to rise and fall by hundreds of metres.

漂在水面上的软木塞没有随波流走。相反,它随波上下浮动。A cork floating on water is not swept along with the water. Rather, it moves up and down with the wave motion.

确保所有房间价格准确,避免任何会有争议的价格的上下浮动。L To ensure that all room rate charged is accurate, avoid any undercharge or overcharge that will cause disputes.

一半休息区,一半升降梯,浮动式酒吧在海洋绿洲号上的三层之间上下浮动。Part lounge, part elevator, the Rising Tide Bar floats up and down between three levels on the Oasis of the Seas.

公司确实给出了明确的范围,分析师应该参照公司在相关季度的实际表现表现,将这一范围视为上下浮动的参数。They do offer a clear-cut range, which should be the upper and lower parameters based on the quality of the quarter.

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如果你的好心情随股市上下浮动,你自然会明白金钱买不劐幸福的道理。If your sense of well-being fluctuates with stock market, you might be comforted to know that money can't buy you happiness anyway.

在新的汇率体制下,人民币汇率可以围绕央行公布的参考汇率每天上下浮动0.3个百分点。Under the new regime, the yuan is allowed to fluctuate 0.3 per cent per day either way of the reference rate, which is set by the central bank.

对信用等级低如BBB级以下的客户,以基准利率上下浮动定价的贷款价格低于RAROC模型计算的贷款价格。Low credit rating clients such as BBB-level or below, the benchmark interest rate plus or minus method prices lower than the RAROC Pricing Model.