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半自动胶囊灌装机。Semi-auto capsule filling machine.

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三种速度半自动变速箱。Three speed semi-automatic gearbox.

手动循环半自动喷爆。Manual loop semi-auto spray explosion.

手动,半自动及全自动操作模式选择。Semi-fully automatic modes of operation.

伊朗求购半自动橡胶机械。Buying Signode Semi Automatic Strapping Machine.

估算路径选择有自动、半自动和手动三种方式。Semi-auto. , and Manual. The operation is simple.

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这台洗衣机是自动的还是半自动的?Is this washing machine automatic or semi-automatic?

有自动式,半自动式和手工式的!Yes. We make automatic, semiautomatic and manual ones.

序列功能和序列投入半自动使用。Sequence function and SEQ input for semi-automatic use.

工厂有半自动或自动拉布机吗?Does the factory have semi-auto or auto spreading equipment?

它由一个半自动20毫米智能榴弹发射器组成。It consists of a semi-automatic 20mm smart-grenade launcher.

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半自动以及全自动无人机和地面系统。Semiautonomous and autonomous unmanned air and ground systems.

发“划”的钟摆可以被锁定,变成半自动键的操作模式。The dash pendulum can be "locked" for semi-automatic operation.

内存池是另一种半自动内存管理方法。Memory pools are another method to semi-automate memory management.

她生前很可能试图反抗,凶手用9毫米半自动手枪的枪托猛击其头骨,造成头骨骨折。As a result, the killer bashed her skull in with the butt of a 9-mm.

这是自动清洗机,和其他人都是半自动。This washing machine is automatic, and the others are semiautomatic.

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基本设计为9公厘口径半自动手枪,12发,长射程。Basic design 9mm semi-automatic gun. 12 shot clip. Long-range weapon.

具有手动、半自动、全自动三种运行功能。It has three operation models. "manual", "semi-automatic"and "automatic".

这台机器可以在全自动模式和半自动模式下生产。The machine can be operated in step-by-step mode and also semi-auto mode.