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你会觉得更神清气爽,而且很省钱。You will feel better and save money.

在大热天,没有什么能像冰饮料那样让人神清气爽.Nothing is as refreshing as ice-cold drinks on a hot day.

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秋天,空气使人神清气爽,夏季的湿热正渐渐退去。Autumn. The air is light and summer`s humid heat is fading.

黄山的精品菊花,给你带来一天的神清气爽。Chrysanthemum from Huangshan Moutain brings you a refreshed day.

当你从眼动睡眠中被唤醒的话,你会感觉到神清气爽。When you awaken from REM sleep, you’ll feel refreshed and alert.

我们散步、我们谈天,然后我们回到办公室,神清气爽!We walk, we talk and we come back to the office feeling refreshed.

同时我希望你们还会有一种心境平和、神清气爽的感觉。I hope you will also be aware of a sensation of calm and clear-headedness.

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白色的书桌和书柜,令人神清气爽。White desk and bookcase, qing Dynasty of god making a person enrages bright.

当他吃饱睡够,神清气爽,便可以再考虑他的行程。When he was refreshed with food and sleep, he contemplated his journey again.

即使是很短暂有效的小睡也能令你神清气爽、注意力更集中。Even a short power nap can leave you feeling refreshed, renewed, and more focused.

可能他们在慵懒的周末醒来后感觉神清气爽,喜欢赖在床上跟你甜言蜜语。Maybe they wake up on weekends feeling rested and enjoy lying together, just talking.

这时,从迷宫中吹来习习的凉风,使人感到神清气爽。Now he felt the cool breeze that was blowing in this part of the Maze and it was refreshing.

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浓郁醇厚的味道,让你神清气爽,精力充沛。Refreshing and stimulating, it wakes you up with a pleasure of enjoyng the rich, heady taste.

推开房门,首先感觉到的是亮堂堂的房子让人神清气爽。Push a door, the house that what feel above all is brilliant makes person mind clear enrage bright.

前半里还双平稳的,但很快地,令人神清气爽的冷水推着我们加快往前。The first half-mile was tranquil enough, but soon the invigoratingly cold water propelled us faster.

笑可以叫醒全身肌肉的活力让你感觉精力充沛、神清气爽。A laugh can provide you with a full-body wake-up call that will help you feel energized and refreshed.

每个清晨泡上满满的一壶茶,喝上四到六杯就能让你拥有神清气爽的一天。Brew a teapot full every morning, so that sipping four to six cups throughout the day is a no-brainer.

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是的,每次在专用车道上骑完车后,我总是感到神清气爽。好了,差不多到回家的时间了。A. Yes. I always feel refreshed after riding my bike on the bike trail. OK, it's about time to go home.

花园里,菊花在尽情开放,阵阵幽香飘来,使人顿觉神清气爽。The garden, enjoy chrysanthemums in the open, intermittent rains fragrance, make people feel refreshed.

这个让人神清气爽的薄荷香气将会刺激你的头皮,给那些懒惰的毛囊一个很好的激活。The invigorating minty tingle will stimulate your scalp and give those lazy hair follicles a good prod.