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那时只有低矮的窝棚似的小房子和泥泞的道路。There was nothing except shacks and muddy streets.

桅杆跟这窝棚内的单间房子差未几普通长。The mast was nearly as long as the one room of the shack.

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可是没有人应声。窝棚里也并没有人钻出来。But there warn't no answer, and nobody come out of the wigwam.

他们不想让外人们看到南非公路边的窝棚。They don't want people to see shacks on the road in South Africa.

篱笆,窝棚,什么都七倒八歪,叫你一眼就瞧出那穷形窘状。Fences, sheds, everything had a ruined look, and were eloquent of poverty.

这是一个铝铁皮和硬纸板窝棚的海洋,而被这些被遗忘的家庭称为家。It is a sea of aluminum and cardboard shacks that forgotten families call home.

人的智慧,一步一步设计制造出窝棚、草屋,直至高楼大厦。Human intelligence designed and fabricated from wickiup to hut then to high-rise.

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在以色列占领的西岸,士兵肆无忌惮地毁掉他们的窝棚。In the Israeli-occupied West Bank, soldiers knock down their shacks with abandon.

地精贸易王子的宫殿和奴隶的窝棚都位于安德麦。Slave pens and the Palaces of the Goblin Princes of Trade are located in Undermine.

所以公爵和国王便去检查一下我们的窝棚,看看床铺是什么一个样子。So the duke and the king went to overhauling our wigwam , to see what the beds was like.

孩子拿着那罐热咖啡直走到老人的窝棚,在他身边坐下,等他醒来。The boy carried the hot can of coffee up to the old man's shack and sat by him until he woke.

之外,成立一个女孩在克鲁格斯多普家庭窝棚戏的房子2010年3月6日在他们的花园。Girls set up a play house in their garden outside a family shack in Krugersdorp on March 6, 2010.

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恰好有位老人正在一个窝棚里的茅草床上睡觉,他被这些喊声惊醒了。Now, it chanced that an old man sleeping in a hovel on a pallet of straw was, awakened by these cries.

鲁道夫,12岁,并在他家的厨房就在克鲁格斯多普窝棚2010年3月6日他的功课。Rudolph, age 12, does his homework in the kitchen of his family's shack in Krugersdorp on March 6, 2010.

在看林人的小屋旁边,隐隐约约可以看见哥萨克的窝棚和拴在一起的马的黑影。Close by the hut could be seen the black outlines of the Cossacks' shanties and the horses tied together.

在发现一个一户印第安人所住的木窝棚后,我们能买到一些补给。After finally spotting a wooden shack, where a family of Indians were living, we were able to buy a few supplies.

收入较低的人靠近海滩,而穷人居住在乡镇,到处是木屋和窝棚。Lower income people live closer to the beach, with the poor residing in townships full of wooden homes and shacks.

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双胞胎瑟瑟发抖地互相搀着,壮着胆子走了几码到邻近的一个窝棚里去传播那令人畏惧的消息。The twins, holding tremulously to each other, dared the few yards to the next shelter and spread the dreadful news.

没有自来水,没有暖气-有的只是一个煤炉和一个简易窝棚厕所。No running water, no heat- we had a coal stove and an outhouse and we mainly lived off of what we could kill or can.

我认为应立即通知各部队掩护军部向前孙家窝棚第五十师师部靠拢。I think we should immediately notify the cover of military force to move shanty Sun 50th division headquarters closer pilots.