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我赞佩你的决心。I applaud your decision.

还需要几分严峻的决心。Aan some grim determination.

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而是自信、狠下的决心和母亲。Fiercely determined. Mother.

决心不获自由宁可死亡。Resolv'd on Death or Liberty.

新证据使她下了决心。The new evidence decided her.

改变需要决心。Change requires determination.

所以有一天,我决心离去。So one day I decided to leave.

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一个好学生要有力争上游的决心。To strive to be a pace-setter.

将你的决心公之于众。Go public with your resolution.

他决心要学英语。He determined to learn English.

我决心奋战到底。I'm determined to fight it out.

这事并未动摇他的决心。This did not shake his resolve.

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他决心要成为一名兽医。He made up his mind to be a vet.

我决心奋斗到底。I am determined to fight it out.

我决心有效地索引数据。I resolve to index data usefully.

我决心更多地考虑内容。I resolve to think about content.

但是幸存者下定了决心。But the survivors were determined.

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时常回顾你的决心。Review your resolution constantly.

那女孩子决心很大…That girl has great determination.

哇!我真佩服你的决心。Wow , I admire your determination.