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音调优美的。EF-a tale of melodic.

你能唱出这个音调吗?Can you sing the bass pitch?

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这首音乐音调优美。This piece of music is melodious.

你是否听到那阴森森的音调?Do you hear it's sepulchral tone ?

如果音调是自由的,那就算诗了。If it is a wild tune, it is a poem.

他用圆润宏亮的音调唱歌。He sang with a mellow, round, voice.

它的音调比尼龙发出的“嗖嗖”声低。It less of the nylon ' swish ' to it.

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当然你不会用这个音调来说。You won't talk like that.Oh,I'm Linda.

绝对爱的淡紫音调,将帮助获得这个目标。Absolute love will assist in this goal.

这就使英语的音调显得不平稳。This is what makes English sound jerky.

玛哈丽雅杰克逊高声唱出了福音调。Mahalia Jackson beltd out a gospel tune.

所给调子或音调中的主音。The dominant in a given key or tonality.

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他把钢琴的音调调到了音乐会要求的音高标准。He keyed the piano up to a concert pitch.

我将以低音调弹奏这首歌曲。I'm going to play this song in a lower key.

我把音调调得太高了,低音还调得不够。I've got too much treble and not enough bass.

在音调上升高半音的。Music raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone.

命令设置和音调序列检测Setup of command and detection of tonal sequence

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时基误差影响的主要是音拍和音调。Time-based errors affect mainly pitch and tempo.

你是怎样发出这种音调和振音的?How do you produce this kind of tone and vibrato?

噢,糟糕,太吵了。我来调一下音调。Oh, sorry. It is too noisy. I'll adjust the tone.