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但它或许会表现良好。It may do well.

他表现得像个英雄。He acted as a hero.

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你又是如何表现的?How did you behave?

我表现出来给她看。I showed it to her.

他表现得像个英雄。He acts like a hero.

该投手表现失常。The pitcher blew up.

‘他们将如何表现?’How will they behave?

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他那天的表现非常好。He was great that day.

我希望你表现很好。I want you to do well.

不要表现出无所不知的样子。Don’t be a know-it-all.

布什执政时,他有着出色的表现He's brilliant at Bush.

表现主义艺术新浪潮。New Wave Of Expression.

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是这季最好的表现噢!That's his season-best!

戏剧性地表现你的特征。Dramatize your features.

没人会喜欢爱表现的人。No one likes a show-off.

她今天表现很好。She did very well today.

他们表现出内疚了吗?Did they behave guiltily?

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他表现很好。He acquitted himself well.

我知道最近他表现不好。I know he was misbehaving.

我想这表现在旋律上。I think it's the melodies.