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这是一种不治之症。There is no cure.

他得了不治之症。He got an incurable disease.

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癌症并非不治之症,而对癌症的恐惧是最可怕的。Cancer is often curable. The fear of caner is often fatal.

这是一种很罕见的病,叫做百鸟朝凤,这是一种不治之症。This is a rare disease called Birds Pay Homage to the King.

亨廷顿氏舞蹈症是不治之症,而且基本上无法治疗。Huntington's disease is incurable and essentially untreatable.

现代医学已可以治愈许多不治之症。Modern medicine can cure many diseases that used to kill many people.

一个患了不治之症的年轻女孩决定在家里等待死神的降临。A young girl suffering from a terminal illness decides to die at home.

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这是一种很罕见的病,叫做百鸟朝凤,这是一种不治之症。This is a rare disease called Birds Pay Homage to the King. It's incurable.

我得了不治之症,我觉得这足够启发你了吧!I have a disease from which there is no cure, I think that would be inspiration enough!

我有一个朋友躺在医院里,他患了不治之症,在痛苦中慢慢死去。I have a friend who lies in a hospital, slowly dying of a painful and incurable disease.

虽然感染HIV是不治之症,但联合抗病毒治疗可以控制病毒。Although HIV infection is incurable, but the joint anti-retroviral therapy can control the virus.

没有什么不治之症,只有人类尚未找到疗法的疾病。There are no such things as incurables, there are only things for which man has not found a cure.

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孩子患了不治之症的一对夫妻想要培育一个设计婴儿来挽救儿子的性命。A couple with a terminally ill child want to create a designer baby that could save the boy'slife.

佩塔杀掉的绝大多数动物都远非濒临死亡或患有不治之症。The vast majority of the animals Peta kills are far from terminal or suffering from incurable conditions.

情况往往是,一些患了不治之症的病人为自己苟活下去而深感歉意。It is no uncommon occurrence that some of these patients end up actually apologizing for continuing to live.

第3个捐献者即将迎来他的30岁生日,但就在他刚找到一份新工作后就发现自己患上了不治之症。A third man, coming up to his 30th birthday, had just got a new job when he discovered he had a terminal illness."I

新针刺疗法打开了聋哑禁区,治愈了多种“不治之症”。The new accupuncture treatment has opened up the forbidden zone of deafmuteress and has cured many"incurable"diseases.

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当我走在大街上时,没有人因为我患有不治之症忽略我或嘲笑我。No one ignores me or scoffs at me when I'm walking down the street because they know I have a disease that I can't help.

新针疗法打开了聋哑禁区,治愈了多种“不治之症”。The new acupuncture treatment has opened up the forbidden zone of deaf-muteness and has cured many" incurable" diseases.

政府部门需要采取紧急行动来确保每个患有不治之症的人都能享受临终关怀。Urgent government action is needed to ensure everyone with a terminal illness has access to the care provided by hospices.