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他是一个难能可贵而又可爱的年轻人。He is an estimable and likeable young fellow.

在我看来,王健的艺术人生有两个方面是十分难能可贵的。In my opinion, Jian Wang's life as an artist has two advantages.

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真是难能可贵啊,某些时候还会有一点点的自知自明!It is much appreciated that you have such a little self-knowledge.

在如此多的欺骗中,诚实时如此的难能可贵。What a precious gift honesty is in the midst of so much dishonesty.

因为当时他们敢于解放思想,也是非常难能可贵的。At that time, because they dare to emancipate the mind, is very valuable.

他那种见义勇为的精神是难能可贵的。His spirit of being ready to take up the cudgels for a just cause is commendable.

并且难能可贵的是,当时的人们就已经不满足于单单表现对象的外形了。And for good, and the people had not content to just performance object appearance.

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更难能可贵的是,他们把自己遇到的困难,化作催人奋进的助推剂,激励鼓舞着人们。Not only that, they are using the difficulties they face as a way to inspire people.

在阿富汗的乡村生活中,哪怕一星半点的民主,也是难能可贵的。In the life of Afghanistan’s villages even a modicum of democracy is worth something.

我国能够在激烈的竞争中趣出,的确难能可贵,也是无比的荣耀。That our nation could stand out among fierce competition is truly a hard-earned glory.

我起先是个什么都不懂的小女生,你的关心爱护对我来说难能可贵。I was a lost little girl with a screwed-up life and you made me feel loved and cared for.

这是一种爱、一种博大的爱,又是一种难能可贵的精神品质。This is one kind of love , one kind of vast love , is one kind of estimable spirit quality.

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面对大牌缺席,范甘迪能把队伍带成这样实属难能可贵。Van Gundy did an outstanding job of keeping the team together in the face of those absences.

希福的自然率真深深地打动了他,“这种‘真’在舞蹈圈里是难能可贵的。”He was impressed by Xi's naturalness and openness, which is lacking in official dance circles.

谦虚的力宏表示,能向那些音乐「大师」们学习音乐是很难能可贵的经验。The modest star admits that it was a priceless experience learning from those music " maestros".

最难能可贵的是AKCMS并没有因此而变得臃肿庞大,始终保持着小巧、轻便的本色。The most valuable is AKCMS therefore didn t become bloated huge, kept a small, lightweight ecru.

贺麟作为一名新儒家代表能提出以上的思想,实是难能可贵的。Helin, as a representative can provide more than the Neo-Confucian thought, is indeed commendable.

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子游说,“我的朋友子张是难能可贵的,但是还没有达到仁的境界。”Zi-you said, "My friend Zhang is difficult to emulate. However, he has not attained humanity yet."

当然列子能提出这想梦关系,于梦的探讨上是难能可贵的。Of course, like a dream Liezi can mention this relationship, in the dream to explore is commendable.

更难能可贵的是弹力女超人在兼顾自己幸福美满的家庭的同时还要承担拯救世界的责任。And it was commendable that she took both the responsibilities of saving the world and rasing family.