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根究竟是什么?What is Roots?

究竟是什么缺陷?What's the flaw?

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究竟是什么导致了这场战争So what caused it?

他究竟在干什么呢?What can he be doing?

那潜水镜上究竟说什么?What did the mask say?

你在书里讨论的有关“食物催眠”究竟是什么?What is a food trance?

阿宝!你究竟在干什么?Po! What are you doing?

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那么我们究竟知道多少?So how much do we know?

休格特究竟多有钱?How much money off Gert?

所以它究竟包含了什么呢?So what does it contain?

你也许会想,“究竟谁是龙王呢?”Is It The King of Dragon?

究竟什么引起岔气?What exactly causes them?

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“那究竟是什么原因呢?”"And what reason is that?

那脚凳究竟是甚麽呢?And what is that footstool?

这究竟是如何发生的呢?How could this ever happen?

究竟人是性本善还是性本恶呢?Is human born kind or evil?

哎唷,我真想弄明白这究竟是怎么回事!Oh, that I knew how it was!

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究竟什么才是坏东西呢?What is a bad thing anyway?

我究竟能指望于谁?Who on earth can I turn to?

但他的性格究竟怎样的呢?But what of his personality?