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他们处心积虑逃离自己的不幸,可是星星又离他们太远。From their misery they sought escape, and the stars were too remote for them.

我们从生到死,都在秘密地或处心积虑地,甚至明目张胆地追求快感。From childhood until death we are secretly, cunningly or obviously pursuing pleasure.

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这叫什么话?单身女郎处心积虑一窥朋友“丈夫”的小弟弟吗?。And what? Single women prowl beach houses hoping for glimpse their friends' husbands' dicks?

在随之而来的权力真空期,维戈们处心积虑地瓜分这个犯罪帝国。In the resulting power vacuum, the Vigos desperately sought to carve up the criminal empire.

韦尔奇指责伊朗处心积虑地威胁国际安全和中东和平。Welch took Iran to task for threatening international security and peace in the Middle East.

其次,英国处心积虑三次割占香港是其在华占领一地外交政策的具体实施。Secondly, it is the concrete conduct of English foreign policy on China, which was thought carefully and thoroughly.

与其处心积虑地遣词造句,不如把心态放对位置,那么你们的关系重回正常轨道的速度也会更快。Coming from the right place in your heart will get your relationship back on track faster than carefully crafted words.

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他发了财接受了好的教育然后又回到这里,他处心积虑要向毁掉他的两个家庭报复,因为他确信是他们导致了自己的不幸。He returns later, rich and educated and sets about gaining his revenge on the two families that he believed ruined his life.

怎奈卫庄处心积虑,处处设局,天明和盖聂最终还是被逼入绝境。But defends a village to deliberately plan, set everywhere bureau, dawn and Gai Nie still are forced finally hopeless situation.

所有的人都认为危机的核心在金融领域,但是他处心积虑想连任,不正视当前的危机,却在讲教育和健保。Howeve, it is agreed that the key of the current crisis is a financial crisis but Obama put his emphasis on education and healthcare.

如果女人处心积虑为男人付出的努力却得不到一句肯定的答复,她的心会变成易碎的玻璃,一碰即碎。If women and schemed to pay for the efforts of men do not get a positive response, her heart would become friable glass, Yipeng is broken.

假如女人处心积虑为男人付出旳努力却得不到─句绝对旳答复,她旳心会变成易碎旳玻璃,─碰即碎。If women and schemed to pay for the efforts of men do not get a positive response , her heart would become friable glass , Yipeng is broken.

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敌人处心积虑的惊天大阴谋接连破获,茅丁和同志们经过艰苦的努力最终获得了胜利,而他与黄钰的爱情也终于修成正果,喜结连理。The enemy deliberately plan great conspiracy cracked, Mao Ding and Comrades hard won, and he and Huang Yu love finally came to fruition, the knot.

在那些噘嘴绷脸的姿势、冒失的咧嘴大笑以及对“女孩威力”的敬意背后,是玩世不恭的媒体操纵和处心积虑的利用。Behind those pouting poses, cheeky grins, and GIRL Power salutes, there was a programme of cynical media manipulation and calculating exploitation.

他喜欢攻击的对象是“面色苍白脾气暴躁的”酒吧间里的煽动分子,此等人处心积虑,非把约翰牛的老家或彼得·施托伊弗桑特的纽约闹个天翻地覆不可。One of his favourite targets was the "pale and bilious" taproom agitator, scheming to overturn John Bull's household, or Peter Stuyvesant's New York.

如果你整日处心积虑图谋报复,这将使你无法专注于那些本该用心的事务,这么一来,你将离成功更远,你再一次给了对手以可趁之机。If your focus on revenge distracts you from the real focus of your business, then your nemesis has just won a second time by making you less successful.

其面部肌肉运作在一种非自然而是为一种低下的、处心积虑的抽搐下,表面绷得紧紧的,给人一种极不愉快的感觉。The muscles, not spontaneously moved, but moved by a low usurping wilfulness , grow tight about the outline of the face with the most disagreeable sensation.

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女人若是处心积虑地要老公和你每天黏在一起,是很容易消耗完彼此的热情和激情的,夫妻容易产生敌视与轻视情绪。If a woman makes every effort to keep her husband sticking around all the time, that will surely use up the passion soon and lead to enmity and contempt between them.

其次,英国处心积虑三次割占香港是其在华占领一地外交政策的具体实施。Firstly, the cession of one territory of China-Hong Kong, which is one part of English foreign Policies on China, which was formed for a long time and arrived its final target.

蒋元与秋萍互诉近况,才知道晓阳在懋光的所作所为,加上蒋元早怀疑蒋进的死与晓阳有关,认为晓阳与蒋励交往一事是处心积虑。Jiang yuan and autumn ping each other, just know real in lloyds light, plus Jiang Yuanzao doubt Jiang Jin death related to real, think real associate with niura y is calculated.