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这是无穷的原因。That's why the infinity.

弹夹内无穷弹药。Infinite a. mmo. in clip.

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她有无穷的烦恼。She had trouble without end.

所以,它在无穷远处几乎为。So it tails off to infinity.

那无穷的真理。That the truth of non-qiong.

他以力大无穷著称。He was known for his strength.

无穷保险清障车。" Infinity Insurance "smashed.

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结婚匆匆,后悔无穷。Marry in hasty, repent endless.

无穷远处是某一处。So infinity is somewhere there.

除此之外,冬季里充满无穷乐趣。Besides, winter is much about fun.

这堆干草可是无穷庞大。That haystack is infinitely large.

榜样的力量是无穷的。A fine example has boundless power.

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他力大无穷,无人能比。His infinite power, no competition.

仙女于是赐给了她无穷的财富。Fairy gave her boundless money then.

却失去了享受了其间的无穷乐趣。You miss half the fun of getting there.

厦大出版社无穷的创造力也令我惊叹。I have also marveled at XMUP's creativity.

当然看一位大师级人物工作也同样是乐趣无穷的。It's fun to watch the master at work, too.

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实际上,赞成做预算的理由无穷多。Really, the pros of budgeting are endless.

寒冷天气会带给人们无穷乐趣。Cold weather can bring with it tons of fun.

可望见想象无穷的天堂。What largeness thinks in Paradise was sawn.