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你运气不错在精神病区转送过来一个人…As luck would have it, I found him in the Psych Ward.

资料元经常无法转送到它们的目的地。Datagrams cannot always be forwarded to their destinations.

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一项为期两年的发现大多数美国人都会将收到的礼物转送出去。A two-year study has found that most Americans have done it.

请求调动的申请书转送到了人事部门。The requests for transfers were channeled through the personnel office.

他被转送到种植园附近一家战地医院里康复。He was transferred to a field hospital at a nearby plantation to recover.

我买给他的东西都合他心,不转送他人。He treasures the things I buy for him, and never gives them to other people.

我想将资料从办公室电脑转送到计算机中心网络的储存中。I want to upload data to the computer network storage from my office computer.

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通道请求转送信息,比如服务器端流程的退出代码。Channel requests relay information such as the exit code of a server-side process.

安琪拉觉得她收到的一些结婚礼物可能是已经被转送过一两回的东西了。Angela thinks some of her wedding gifts may have been regifted once or twice already.

妁彤收到隽烨送来的鲜花,把花转送予同事。Follows tong received our Ye sent flowers, the flowers the forwarding to the colleagues.

这项研究显示,有54%的美国人会将收到的但自己并不需要的礼物重新包装、放在礼物盒里,然后转送出去。According to the study, 54 percent of Americans rewrap, rebox and resend unwanted presents.

一种叫地震仪的仪器把这种反射来的振动波转送到记录器上。Instruments called seismometers relay these reflected vibrations to a recording instrument.

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谢医生于四月十五日病情恶化,转送深切治疗部。Tse was transferred to the intensive care unit on April 15 after her condition deteriorated.

国家信访局如果只是转送,谁又来督办呢?Letters and Complaints Bureau if it is only transferred to the State, who come to supervise it?

在这个状态,资料不被转送,但从收到的网路流量中MAC位址会被学习。In this state, data is not forwarded, but MAC addresses are learned from traffic that is received.

故请寄来贵公司产品的详细资料,以便转送。Therefore please let us have full details of your products so that we can pass on the information.

只有质子化了的亚基才能将它们从静态的亚基通道转送到远离膜的位置。Only protonated subunits can then rotate it to the membrane away from the static channel of subunit.

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在它能转送到其它目的地之前,RTA的路由表将必须包含更多路由。The routing table for RTA will have to include more routes before it can forward to other destinations.

目的地和下一个跳跃的关联决定最佳路径和那个路由器要转送封包给下一个。Destination next hop associations determine the best path and which router to forward the packet to next.

院方表示两名矿工需要进一步观察并转送到其他医院。They said the remaining two miners required more attention and were being transferred to other hospitals.