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他放烽火。He beaconed up a beacon.

如果刚多点燃烽火,罗翰国必须随时参战。If the beacons of Gondor are lit, Rohan must be ready for war.

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察哈尔、上海等地的烽火已经燃烧起来了。The flames of war are already raging in Chahar and in Shanghai.

烽火大神的解释是爱之者欲其永生,妖孽。Great God explained that the flames of love are like their immortality, evildoer.

当你登长城时,可以想象到那烽火硝烟的壮观战斗场面。When you are climbing the wall, you have an idea as to how grand war for beacon fire.

百般招数无效后,有一大臣出主意让周幽王点燃烽火。After trying countless different methods to get her to smile, a Minister came up with an idea.

目前国内的主要设备商华为、中兴、烽火拥有基于SDH的ASON产品。At present, main domestic manufacturers Huawei, ZTE and Fiberhome have SDH-based ASON products.

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恶魔入侵已被阻止,但是却唤醒了另一场更为远古的战争的烽火。The Demon invasion has been staunched, but in its wake a far more older war has been rekindled.

在不知不觉中,我们已经爬到了第一个烽火,这里让我想起了“烽火戏诸侯”的故事。Unconsciously, we have climbed to the first war, this reminds me of the "war drama leud" story.

但很少有人知道的是,林肯的事迹已经成为了一簇烽火,传递到了世界的其它地方。What few may know is that Lincoln's example has been a beacon to the rest of the world as well.

在这些烽火连年的日子里,玛拉怀孕生下了她和卢克的儿子,本·天行者。During these war-ravaged years, Mara became pregnant and gave birth to their son, Ben Skywalker.

我深爱着这座城市还有这里的人们,因为那段烽火岁月中我与他们在战场上一起出生入死。I love the city and the people here. I've been with them for many years and I fought alongside them.

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而在汉代,传递敌情之最有效、快捷的方法是将敌情以烽火信号的形式传递。In Han dynasty, the most effective method was transmitting information about enemies by fire signal.

艺术代表人类终极的和平,这是大千世界人的同一梦想,而科学却可以点燃烽火。Arts stand for the ultimate peace, the same dream in the diversified world, while science might kindle wars.

二战的烽火跟着内战席卷而来,西班牙的苦难还在继续。The balefire of World War II follows civil war to sweep across and come, spanish affliction still is continuing.

突然我感觉自己像一个北美印第安人为古老的烽火信号辩护而拒绝使用先进的电话。Suddenly I felt like a Red Indian defending the use of good old smoke signals against the advance of the telephone.

仿佛古代的烽火,只不过眼前的“狼烟”传递的是来自大山深处的喜讯。Like the ancient war, just in front of the" smoke signals" is passed from the depths of the mountains of the good news.

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此次的汽车炸弹事件就让人不禁联想起了美军最初占领时烽火连城的壮观场面。The truck bombings are reminiscent of the spectacular attacks staged during the early years of the American occupation.

因维人不会放这么大的火,卡巴拉人也没有理由这么做,可是嘎鲁达人喜欢烽火传信。The Invid don't build infernos like that, and the Karbarrans have little cause to, but the Gerudans love signal bonfires.

为了舞殇神话的奇迹延续、诠释舞殇文明的至尚魅力,四圣降临烽火连城,问鼎英雄无敌!To dance, the miracle of ruin myth of civilization to ruin dance interpretation is charm, four came by war, lifting heroes!