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你知道你的命运之轮转向哪里吗?Do you know what your destiny is?

这种新型轮转印刷机印刷得很快。This new rotary press prints very rapidly.

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逝去的水不能使磨轮转动。The mill cannot grind with the water that is past.

轮转锁在用户级中很少用到。Spinlocks are less commonly used at the user-level.

Linux内核中大量用到了轮转锁。Spinlocks are used frequently in the Linux kernel itself.

一次加索尔和奥多姆的错误的轮转使得钱德勒偷袭得手。A faulty rotation by Gasol and Odom led to a put-back by Chandler.

这是常见的组合凹版印刷和轮转的形式相同的问题。It is common to mix gravure and web offset forms in the same issue.

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如果线程具有相同的悠闲权,则根据时间片进行轮转调度。Threads with equal priority are time- sliced on a round-robin basis.

轮转锁在单处理器机器上不能使用。这是为什么呢?Spinlocks should never be used on uniprocessor machines. Why is this?

开始要轻柔,慢慢轮转,逐步提高步调和压力。Start with a soft, slow roll, gradually picking up the pace and pressure.

方法将非精确计算模型引入到轮转式调度算法中。Imprecise computation model was introduced to rotational scheduling algorithm.

网版制卡和会员卡制作有平台式和轮转式之分。Screen business card printing and membership card to make a platform and Rotary.

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本公司现又增加了全新六色轮转印刷机及丝网印刷机。The Company is now added a new six-color rotary press and screen printing machine.

必须要有一个更详细的比赛轮转计划和一个每个人角色的使命感。There will have to be a more defined playing rotation and a sense of everyone's role.

马上黄蜂防守有漏洞,奥卡福轮转过来补防科比,而科比完成了那一个暴扣。As soon as the lane opened and Okafor rotated over to meet him, Bryant had his moment.

一大早我就到了医院,给小孩们做体格检查——我正在儿科轮转。My day started out early at the hospital, examining kiddies for my pediatrics rotation.

全轮驱动和全轮转向可以保证纯粹的保时捷驾驶动力。All-wheel drive and all-wheel steering promise to deliver pure Porsche driving dynamics.

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如果将令牌轮转时间设定的足够长,系统循环时间将趋向于稳定。If the Token-ring cycle time is determined enough, the system cycle tends to stabilization.

这个是因为我们不健全的身、口、意所造的业,才使我们在生死轮迴中一直轮转。It is unwholesome actions of body, mouth, and mind that are keeping us revolving in samsara.

准备及操作卷筒给纸式柯式平版印刷机包括印报章用的柯式轮转印刷机。Sets up and operates web-fed offset printing machines including newspaper printing machines.