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榫锯是一种特殊的墨线戽。A mortice gauge is a special type of marking gauge.

从那里,我们将完善我们的更有信心墨线线工作。From there we will refine our line work with more confident inked lines.

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底色采用土黄带绿色和墨线形成对比。I apply khaki with green to the impression that contrast with ink lines.

老陈常常弯着腰,拿了尺子和墨线盒在木板上面画什么东西。He was often bent over drawing something on a plank with a ruler and an ink marker.

永久性的眼部纹身——特别是永久性的墨线眼部纹身——如今是风靡一时。Permanent eye tattooing—specifically permanent ink eyeliner—is all the rage these days.

当一个木匠要刨平或锯一块木材时,他以墨线画一条直线。When a carpenter is about to plane or saw a piece of timber he draws a straight line using a thread.

将水平索拉点用墨线弹在结构立面上,如图示。Snap the horizontal cable's tension point with ink line onto the structure façade as the picture shows.

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分上、下两册,共载中草药四千馀种,书中附有墨线图,另有彩色图集一册。It includes more than four thousand kinds of herbs. Within the books black and white pictures were included.

这些深黑色的线条犹如墨线,所以称为泼墨珠。The dark lines that emerge look like ink lines, and for this reason these are referred to as ink pattern beads.

将模板对准墨线竖立就位后,用连接件将模板连成一体,板缝中嵌海绵条防止漏浆。Position the forms according to ink lines, and then connect the forms with joint pieces. Put sponge bars into seams to prevent leakage of grouts.

遮荫和绘画技巧包括使用的增加重量对象或使用跨孵化方法来创建纹理和有趣的音调难以墨线法。Shading and drawing techniques include using a hard ink line method of adding weight to an object or using a cross-hatching method to create texture and interesting tones.

工笔人物画是以线描为骨干、工整细腻地表现人物对象的绘画手法,早期主要采用墨线勾勒的技法,设色简约,构图富有装饰意味。Traditional fine brush paintings use neat lines to gibe detailed profile. Early paintings mainly use ink lines, the picture is usually in plain colors and the design is often decorative.