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办一个茶话会.Have a tea party.

或者来个老式的茶话会。Or an old fashioned tea party?

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母亲节那天你可以“以母之名”举行一场茶话会。You can organise tea of your mother on a Mothers Day.

每个男孩和每个女孩都被邀请参加茶话会了。Each boy and each girl has been invited to the tea-party.

他们开着茶话会,天雷提案滚滚来。They have a tea party and astounding resolutions roll past.

没有快乐协调的茶话会或类似这样的结尾。There is no happy reconciliatory tea party or some such at the end.

在茶话会上他们对那位老太太百般殷勤。They showed the old lady numerous little attentions at the tea party.

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现在,三分之二的茶话会听众通过福克斯电视台来关注时事。Two-thirds of Tea Party supporters get their current affairs from Fox.

母亲节那天你可以“以母之名”举办一场茶话会。You can organise tea parties in honor of your mother on a Mothers Day.

我如何管理自己步行一中茶话会八五三元打火机了?How did I manage to walk away from a Chinese tea party 853 yuan lighter?

母亲节那天你可以“以母之名”举办一场茶话会。You can organize tea parties in respect of your mom upon the Mothers Day.

找寻你需要的朋友,永远不要让那些糟糕的友谊破坏了你的茶话会。Find that friend you need, and never let those bad friendship experiences ruin your tea party.

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但除非我们很小心,2039发生的情况会使1939年看起来就像一群小孩的茶话会。But unless we are careful, what happens in 2039 could make 1939 look like a children's tea party.

我去过9月12日在国会大厦举行的茶话会游行,见到了成千上万的人。I went to the 12 September tea party march at the Capitol building. I saw many thousands of people.

驻巴基斯坦首席馆员、政务参赞黄溪连先生作为首席代表出席茶话会。The deputy Chief of Embassy "Mr. Huang Xilian" will also participate as a chief gust of this tea party.

他们十月七日首天在温州总堂举行茶话会,翌日到各堂口参观并与堂区教友进行交流。The three-day event began with a tea party on October 7, followed by a parish visit and exchange the next day.

事实上,即使成年以后,我也愿意在巷子里走走,而不会选择和女孩去参加茶话会。The truth is, even as a grown woman I tend to want to run in the alley rather than play tea party with the girls.

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在周四举行的北京-香港经济合作茶话会开幕式上陈列着奥运会的旗帜。The Olympic flag is displayed at the opening of the Beijing-Hong Kong economic co-operation symposium Thursday in Hong Kong.

第一,针对奥巴马的怒火,譬如来自“茶话会”代表团的,在主流意识形态中是存在的。First, it's said, the anger felt towards Obama – among the "tea party" contingent, for instance – is in the main ideological.

茶话会支持的议员回声这样的说法,并不能免除他们在战争时期军队的数十亿美元的预算。Tea party-backed lawmakers echo that argument, and they're not exempting the military's multibillion-dollar budget in a time of war.