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未便操之过急。It's no good being overhasty.

网站改版中!给您带来未便请宽恕!Sorry! Revision of the web site!

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你的去访给他带来极年夜的未便。Your visit caused him great inconvenience.

对于由此造成的未便,我们深表歉意。We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

我们为逗留道歉,希望不会给您带来太多的未便。Hoping thencomprear ending this will not cause you too much trouble.

外面正下着瓢泼大雨,未便旅行。你看河北的名胜古迹。It is inconvenient for us to go traveling, It is raining cats and dogs outside.

一时脱离,如有问题请稍后联系,对此带来的未便敬请体谅。Not available for now. Contact me latter please. Sincere sorry for all the inconvenience.

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也给幼儿园及家长带来了诸多未便,感导了幼儿的强壮生长。Kindergarten and parents also brought a lot of inconvenience, and affected the children's healthy growth.

末了,没有翻页按键给左撇子带来未便。The lair conditioningk of hard page-turn control keys may frustrconsumedleft-handed readvertising cwimpaigners.

随着私人车的数目的增加,很多空地被用来停车,我不知道淋浴房水龙头。这一点会给人们的生活带来很大未便。With the rise of the cars, your amount of space is occupied by them, which will give rise to the inconvenience of our lives.

随着私人车的数目的扩展,很多空地被用来停车,这一点会给人们的生活带来很大未便。With the rise of the cars, an companiond with space is occupied by them, which will give rise to the inconvenience of our lives.

对于由此造成的未便,我们深表歉意。如果您有任何疑问,请致电IELTS全国呼唤中心010-62798811。We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Should you have any queries, please contact the IELTS National Call Centre at 010-62798811.