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年关是一个回顾和展望的好时机。The end of the year is the best time to review and look ahead.

在今年关四个月里,美国市场的销售额下跌了超过三分之二。US sales were off by more than two-thirds during the first four months of the year.

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近几年关于自由心证的讨论日渐增多。In recent years the discussion concerning free heart certificate is increasing gradually.

今年类似的社交-促销的市场的确有喜有悲,勾起了我们那些年关于互联网公司繁荣一时的回忆。The social-promotion space has been on a tear this year, stirring memories of the dot-com boom.

父亲也是年关走的,便感到冬天真的很冷,好晦好涩,怎么那么多霉事?His father is the year go, feel very cold in winter, hey good astringent, how much mildew things?

冬季的燕都,在即将步入年关的这个时候依旧那么的寒冷。The Yans of the winter entire, by ambition soon emulate this time of year end remain so of chill.

公众已经承受了十年关于一次恐怖性质的核袭击就在眼前的威胁警报。The public has now endured a decade of dire warnings about the imminence of a terrorist atomic attack.

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那是前年年关时节,我回家过年,二哥在外带回一只小花狗。It was the upcoming spring festival of the year before last when I came back home for the spring festival.

很多人在年关之际都会感到焦虑,其中担心金钱为最大的焦虑点。A large number of people feel anxious at the end of the year, with money worries being the biggest concern.

伯恩施坦误解了恩格斯晚年关于和平改良与武装夺权的思想。Bernstein has misunderstood the Engels old age about peace improvement and the armed seizing power thought.

年关前,最受宠,最热销,而企业盈利最快的是食品和日用品。Before New Year, the most favored and most selling are food and daily necessities with fastest-growing corporate profits.

年关马上就要到了,买套骨瓷餐具回去,不管是送人还是自己用,都是一个相当不错的选择。Of the year soon to buy sets of bone china tableware to go back, either give as gifts or own use, are a very good choice.

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可是为何在这年关将近,人们最需要快递的时候,众多快递企业纷纷偃旗息鼓,提前停止收件呢?But why in this year approaches, when people most need to express, many courier companies have died down, stopped prematurely Write it?

年关已到,上市公司2008年年度的年报披露情况自然成为眼下市场关心的热点问题。The year is up, listed companies in 2008 annual report of the disclosure now become a natural hot-spot issues of concern to the market.

每到年关下班后忙完自家的卫生或是准备年货,还要去为公婆刷洗或准备,处处都有姨融融的温泽。Every year after finishing their health or is preparing new year, but also to their brushing or preparation, everywhere with aunt Windsor.

人们喜欢在年初制定计划,但是到了年关的时候有些人发现他们未能完成自己的目标。People like to make plans at the beginning of each year, but by the end of the year some find that they have failed to complete their plans.

每年年关,家家制作,户户蒸食,代代相传,至今已有300多年的历史。Annual New Year, every household production, household food steamer, from generation to generation, has been more than 300 years of his tory.

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1928年1月在湘南地方党组织和农民武装的配合下,在宜章举行了“年关起义”。In January 1928, local party organizations and farmers in southern Hunan in cooperation with the armed, in Yizhang held an"off-year uprising."

由于年关将尽,雅莉父亲准备了一些补药要送给在孝夫妇,假借想来看雅莉的名义送来骊州。Because of this year will try, yali father prepared some tonic for in filial piety couples, cloaking want to see the name of yali sent Li states.

当时正值年关,天寒地冻,城内民众断食,饿殍遍野,国家和人民果然遭到危难。At that time, New Year, cold, fresh off the city the population was hungry, die of hunger everywhere, the state and the people were indeed a crisis.