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协奏曲是另外一种风格The concerto is another genre.

钢琴协奏曲第4号在G大,作品。Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, Op.

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舒曼以他的钢琴协奏曲而著名。Schuman was known for his piano concerto.

协奏曲一般有三个乐章Concertos are generally in three movements.

协奏曲是另外一种类型。Concertos are generally in three movements.

刚刚播送的是维瓦尔迪作曲的C小调协奏曲。That was the concerto in C minor by Vivaldi.

这首钢琴协奏曲演奏得很好。The piano concerto was wonderfully rendered.

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我听到过他练习肖邦第一协奏曲。I heard him practising Chopin's first ballade.

其他的格式还包括交响乐,协奏曲和隆多。Others included the symphony, concerto, and rondo.

为双钢琴而作的第1钢琴协奏曲缩编谱。Reduction of Piano Concerto No. 1, for two pianos.

为双钢琴而作的第2钢琴协奏曲缩编谱。Reduction of Piano Concerto No. 2, for two pianos.

大调第一小提琴协奏曲,作品16,“军队”Violin Concerto No. 1 in D major, Op. 16, Military.

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有一次,我听了布伦德尔吹奏贝多芬全部的协奏曲。I once heard Brendel play all the Beethoven concertos.

直到现在,它仍然是最难弹奏的钢琴协奏曲之一。It remains one of the hardest piano concertos to play.

降E大调第五钢琴协奏曲,作品73,“皇帝”Piano Concerto No. 5 in E flat major, Op. 73, Emperor.

这首小提琴协奏曲的独奏者是耶胡迪梅纽因。The soloist in the violin concerto was yehudi menuhin.

一首维也纳古典音乐派协奏曲作品。One concerto of "Viennese classics" in complete volume.

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那钢琴师弹的协奏曲神乎其技。The pianist's execution of the concerto was marvellous.

这首小提琴协奏曲的独奏者是耶胡迪梅纽因。The soloist in the violin concerto was yeh udi menuhin.

第一乐章“快板”,选自第三号布兰登堡协奏曲,作品1048。"Allegro" from the Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, BWV 1048