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二十一世纪的吉普林。A 21st century Kipling.

下一站,世纪大道。Next stop Shiji Avenue.

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它是一首能彪炳若干世纪的佳作。It was a poem of centuries.

当时是二十世纪七十年代。This was back in the 1970s.

十八世纪吗?Is it the eighteenth century?

十六世纪的农民I。Sixteenth-Century Peasants I.

许多世纪以来,我们都成功了。And for centuries we succeeded.

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他于十八世纪八十年代中期写下这段话He wrote this in the mid-1780s.

披着世纪晨曦在莫辛卡平滩踏足Moccasin Flat at century’s dawn

21世纪朋克的精神。The spirit of 21st century punk.

这是十七世纪的景象This is the seventeenth century.

然而到了12世纪中期。By the mid-12th century, however.

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这个单词可以追溯到17世纪。The word dates back to the 1600s.

立新世纪一定有光明的未来!Unicity has a very bright future.

他是来自另一个世纪的诗人。He is a poet from another century.

在巴格达,八世纪。In Baghdad, in the eighth century.

但在十七世纪确实是个新玩意But it was a new idea in the 1600s.

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我记得是公元前三世纪I think it's the third Century B.C.

她们是21世纪的麻风病人。They are the 21st century's lepers.

欢迎来到美丽的上海世纪公园。Welcome to Centry Park of Shanghai.