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给他们买一种新香水。Buy them a new perfume.

回避送衣服、香水。Avoid clothes or perfume.

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葡萄酒伪装成香水?Wine disguised as perfume?

然后是香水,不太多。Perfume next, not too much.

是的。-我是那卖“阿拉米香水”的。Yes. -I was the Aramis guy.

你有男用的古龙香水吗?Do you have any men's cologne?

那你有新的香水。And you have the new fragrance.

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在香水公司的日常生活。Daily Life in A Perfumer Company.

房间里弥漫着劣质香水的呛鼻气味。The room reeked of cheap perfume.

空气中飘溢着香水的雾气。A mist of perfume hung in the air.

里面装着牙刷、除臭剂、香水和化妆品。Brush, deodorant, perfume, makeup.

普罗旺斯是香水业的发源地。Provence is the home of perfumery.

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这就像往猪猡身上洒香水。It's like putting perfume on a pig.

复制-粘贴就像廉价的香水Copy-and-paste is like cheap perfume

我会送一小瓶古龙香水。I'll get a little bottle of cologne.

我们有香皂和不加香水的肥皂。We have perfumed and unscented soap.

我能为您推荐清妃香水吗?。Can I recommend this Qingfei perfume?

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这种清妃香水怎么样?。How do you like this Qingfei perfume?

香水可以喷洒在头发上吗?May fragrance be sprayed on the hair?

可能还要再喷点科隆香水哦。Maybe spritz on a little cologne too!