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那么,静就是气量的一个重要方面。Then, static is an important aspect of gas.

气量狭窄是我的老毛病。Narrow-mindedness is an old weakness of mine.

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能在需求供气量下降时,无需所有机器全部开启。Can fall in demand, without which all machine all open.

如果我是个会计,我就不会显得那么气量小。If I were an accountant, I would try my best not to be small-minded.

就此而言,对螺杆空压机的气量调节提出了更高的要求。For this, the screw compressor gas regulation put forward higher request.

该热硬砂具有良好的溃散性和低的发气量。At the same time, this sand has good collapsibility and low gas evolution.

与天然气销售部门配合,协调智能检测所需的合适气量。Cooperate with GS to coordinate the suitable gas volume for smart pigging.

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将该模型应用于铜锍吹炼过程所需的氧气量进行预报。This model is applied to predict oxygen volume of copper smelt converting.

同时选用大排气量压缩机的购置费用较高。At the same time displacement compressor chooses big purchase cost is higher.

心气虚、肾气虚、肝肾阴虚3型的最大通气量实占预均较正常人明显降低。The RREV of maximal ventilatory volume in all the 3 types remarkably reduced.

在冰淇淋这一行里,空气在冰淇淋混制过程中的量,称之为“含气量”。In the ice cream business, the amount of air in the mix is termed the "overrun."

不管吸入的空气中的氧气量有多少酸中毒都可发生。Acidosis can occur irrespective of the amount of oxygen in the air being breathed.

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他应该有绅士风度,豁大胸襟,宽宏气量,可以包容,原谅和讨好她?He should be the broad-minded cavalier who will tolerate, forgive and flatter her.

煤层含气量及煤层可采性是决定煤层气能否成藏的重要条件。The geological controls on content and producibility of coal seam gas are studied.

应用自行开发的改良体积法含气量仪测试砂浆及道路水泥混凝土的含气量。Air content is measured by improved device of volume method with self-exploitation.

胶木手柄,耐温性好,轻巧方便,气量大。Bakelite handle, fine heat-resistance , handy, convenient, large quantity of steam.

阀门开通持续时间为1~2毫秒,注入气量可以调节。The time of valve opening was 1—2ms and the amount of injecting gas may be adjusted.

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考察了不同曝气量和水力停留时间下污染物的去除效果。The pollutant removal performance was investigated at different aeration fluxes and HRTs.

她有着汉诺威人的固执和火暴脾气,有时甚至有些残忍和气量褊狭。She had Hanoverian stubbornness and hot temper and she was sometimes cruel and intolerant.

不按合同规定,自行减少或克扣用户气量。II. In case the gas quantity of users are reduced in breach of the provisions of contracts.