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但是,这是正确的。But it is right.

那么这是否正确?So is it correct?

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这似乎正确。This seems right.

垄断情况,完全正确Monopoly, exactly.

但是,那都是正确的吗?But is it all true?

谁又能说我是正确的?Who says I'm right?

我理解正确吗?I understand aright?

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还是说会不会健康保护局是正确的?Or is the HPA right?

他说的完全正确He's absolutely right.

正确对待你的脚。Treat your feet right.

但它的反面也是正确的。But so is its opposite.

VHOST是正确的还是错误的?Is VHOST true or false?

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啊!你完全正确!You're right, by jingo!

你的回答完全正确。Your answers banged on.

这一次,哈斯先生又是正确的。Again Mr Haass was right.

你的回答已经相当正确。And you’d be quite right.

只会因正确而欢颜。But rejoice in the right.

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他的得数只比正确答案多二。He was only wrong by Two.

我只想去做正确的事情。I have tried to do right.

这话不完全正确。That is not exactly true.