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他们没有阅读用书可以出借。They had no reading books to lend.

不要出借或是求借钱或财物。Don't lend or borrow money or belongings.

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展出的71件作品几乎都是出借品。Nearly all the 71 pieces on show are loans.

我们也有盒式录音带出借。We also have everything available on cassette.

在提供方面,严紧的出借仍然是标准”。On the supply side, tight lending remains the norm.

两家公司还出借股票给其他作空方使用。The two also lend out shares used by others to short.

拍卖行为在我看来就是出借方的一个紧急自救行为。It is hard for me to see this as anything other than a lender bailout.

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营业执照不得伪造、涂改、出租、出借、转让。This license should not be faked, altered, lent, borrowed, and demised.

食品生产经营者不得伪造、涂改、出借卫生许可证。Food producers or marketers may not forge, alter or lend the hygiene licence.

此内容可能不会再出售,包装,出借或以其他方式重新分配。This content may not be re-sold, packaged, loaned or otherwise redistributed.

遗憾的是,偷书人不断未能自首出借书籍。Unfortunately, stealing books people continuously failed to surrender lending.

二是让非所有人占有,如将房屋出借或出租。Second, the participation of non-owner occupied, such as housing loan or rental.

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禁止伪造、变造、转让、出租、出借经营许可证。Forging, alteration, assigning, leasing out or lending of such permits is prohibited.

该组织出借的钱来自“配额”--由组织成员作出的财务承诺。The money it lends comes mostly from "quotas" -- financial promises made by its members.

顶空分析还出借自己或者样品进行质量控制检查的自动化。Headspace analysis also lends itself to automation for quality control or sample screening.

美国第二大养老基金Calstrs称其将停止向“水虎鱼”出借股份。Calstrs, America's second-largest pension fund, said it would stop lending shares to "piranhas".

综上,当出借人决定出借利率及其周期时,也应牢记以上风险。Still, it's worth bearing this risk in mind when deciding at what rate and for how long to lend.

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任何个人不得冒用、伪造、变造、出借医疗保险凭证。No individual may use under false pretenses, forge, alter or lend his medical insurance vouchers.

不管别人的愿望需要一台拖拉机或飞机来实现,哈弗斯蒂克几乎总是可以找到愿意出借的人。Whether someone's wish involves a tractor or a plane, Haverstick can almost always find a loaner.

于是,储备银行转而向其他银行和金融机构出借这些刚到手的资金。The banks, in turn, then can loan out these fresh funds to other banks and financial institutions.