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椒盐游水濑尿虾,成只龙虾仔咁大。Live shrimp as big as a small lobster!

用麻绳构造一个椒盐卷饼形状。Form a pretzel-like shape with the twine.

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五香瓜子,椒盐瓜子,各种水果味瓜子。Spiced melon seeds, salt, seeds, various fruit seeds.

将花椒盐擦匀鸭身内外,腌过夜。Rub Sichuan peppercorn onto duck. Marinate it overnight.

中值滤波器在滤除椒盐噪声方面效果很好。The median filter has good effect in filtering the noise.

从驼色到黑色、包括椒盐色、灰色、虎斑色都有。From fawn to black, passing through salt and pepper, gray and brindle.

布什总统在大嚼椒盐饼干时噎住、昏厥了。President Bush was munching on some pretzels when he choked and fainted.

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用滚动的针碾碎塑料拉链式袋中的椒盐脆饼。Using a rolling pin, I crush my pretzels in a zipper lock plastic baggie.

调整饮食,从炸马铃薯片和番茄薯片转到磨碎的马铃薯和椒盐卷饼。Switch from french fries and potato chips to mashed potatoes and pretzels.

典型的椒盐色是混合了黑色和白色毛发,及白色镶黑色的毛发,不同深浅的椒盐色及铁灰色。Acceptable are all shades of pepper and salt and dark iron gray to silver gray.

北大科他州的酒吧和餐馆不可以同时出售啤酒和椒盐脆饼。Sell beer and pretzels at the same time in any bar or restaurant inNorth Dakota.

把右侧松开的一端,从后方绕过椒盐卷饼的右侧叶。Weave the loose end on the right around and behind the right lobe of the pretzel.

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中值滤波在去除椒盐噪声领域应用非常广泛。Median filter is widely used to denoise salt-and-pepper noise in image processing.

椒盐脆饼拥有较高的指数,因为它们导致血糖上升很快。Pretzels are high on the index, because they cause blood sugar to rise very quickly.

一些跑步者倾向吃椒盐脆饼或者含糖的糖果比如熊仔橡皮糖或者粟米糖。Some runners prefer to eat pretzels or sugary candy such as gummy bears or candy corn.

把椒盐脆饼粒放进烤炉,切忌不要先抓把尝尝口味。Without grabbing a handful of pretzels to munch on, I place my pretzel crust into the oven.

一听到“瑜伽”这个词,你是否就会联想到一个人将自己的腿扭成椒盐卷饼那样呢?When you hear the word “yoga, ” do you think of a person with his legs twisted up like a pretzel?

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所有这些葡萄酒都适于在食用生蚝、海鲜、椒盐鱿鱼或辣椒大虾时饮用。All these wines sit wonderfully well with oysters , seafood, salt and pepper squid or chilli prawns.

而饼干、曲奇、椒盐卷饼则必须防止吸潮,以免质构软化。Crackers, cookies, and pretzels must BE protected against moisture pickup that would soften texture.

忘了这一条,乔治W布什曾从赛格威车掉下来、差点被椒盐卷饼噎死以及他是一个可卡因瘾君子的事实。Forgot this One, George W. Bush fell off a Segway and Chocked on a Pretzel and was a Cocaine addict.