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我不能让生命就此消失无踪,重头再来。I cant make an entier life disappear to start a new one.

我不能让生命就此消逝无踪,重头再来。I can't make an entier life disappear to start a new one.

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我不能让生命就此消逝无踪,重头再来。I can't make an entire life disappear to start a new one.

如果他们要再重头开始,他们还会投资这种特许经营吗?If they had it to do over again, would they still invest?

他们已决定在另一个市镇重头干起。They have decided to make a fresh start in a different town.

他们必须能够随意地重头开始再造一个构建。They must be able to reproduce a build from bare iron at will.

或许,你只能凭自己的力量,去拣起散落一地的碎片,重头再来。Maybe it's you on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over.

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就像你能想象到的那样,每个错误的出现都意味着我们要重头开始。As you can imagine, every mistake meant we need to start all over again.

学校的品质表现,消费以及收入占了评分标准的重头。School performance, expenditures, and income were given the most weight.

其中一项重头工作就是改善军用医疗直升机的承载能力。One of his priorities has been to improve the military's medevac capabilities.

不倒翁是一种底重头轻的玩具﹐以你把它推倒还能自动归正。A" daruma" is a toy that, being weighed on the bottom, rights itself if you tip it over.

应用程序服务器管理中间层组件,这些组件负责执行大部分重头任务。The app server manages the middle-tier components that perform most of the heavy lifting.

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众所周知,央视春晚是每年除夕夜的重头节目。EVERYONE knows that the CCTV Spring Festival Gala has long dominated Chinese New Year`s Eve.

印度在这个新产品开发的多国交响乐中演奏重头乐器。And India plays a large role in this multi-country orchestration of development of new products.

这种火锅以各种蔬菜、沙拉为配菜,但其重头部分却是六种有名的精选沙司。Fondue is served with vegetables and salad but the main point is a selection of six famous sauces.

康莉希望柳欣能接演重头剧的主角,表示角色很好发挥,但是需要剃头演出。Comrade hope LiuXin can start play the leading role, said good role to play, but you need to shave hair.

如果你失败,是的,你的确有失败的可能,至少你能有较高的活下去、重头再来的机会。Yet if you fail, which you might, at least there is a higher probability that you will live to try again.

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从本质上讲,美国赤字问题是开支问题,因此调整的重头须是开支。America's deficit problem is in essence a spending problem, so spending must bear the brunt of adjustment.

我的第一个帖子讨论的是“在线视频如何成为本届奥运会重头”,这对消费者至关重要。Our first post discussed how online video will be a big part of this Olympics, which is great for consumers.

一旦有丝分裂沙漏里的最后一粒沙落下之后,重头再来一遍也就没什麽意义了。Once the grains of sand have fallen through the mitotic hourglass, there's no point in turning it over again.