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我就想载歌载舞。I want to dance and sing.

整个夜晚人们载歌载舞。All night long, people dance and sing.

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我是个尘世间载歌载舞的废物,我是上帝造物的有毒副产品。I am the toxic waste byproduct of God's creation.

人们载歌载舞庆祝国庆。Singing and dancing, people celebrated National Day.

人们有足够的理由来载歌载舞迎接这个节日。People have enough reason to dance to meet this festival.

一会儿所有的孩子都开始载歌载舞起来。In a little while all the children piped up and began to dance.

人们有足够的理由来载歌载舞迎接这个节日。People have adequate reasons to the arrival of the festive singing and dancing.

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舞圈马上又合拢了,小人们又继续载歌载舞,欢乐无比。They closed the circle again, and the little people sang and danced wildly forth.

他们会安排唱颂圣名,花数小时去载歌载舞。Kirtan would be arranged and they would spend hours in dance and devotional music.

他们载歌载舞,夹杂著胜利的欢呼把木马拉进城�,这一天以欢庆盛宴结束。This was done with songs and triumphal acclamations and the day closed with festivity.

美国时间本周日举办的奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,主持人休·杰克曼不会成为独个儿载歌载舞的一位。Host Hugh Jackman won't be the only star singing and dancing at Sunday's Academy Awards.

紧接着,数十名身着丝质红衣的小女孩开始载歌载舞。Dozens of girls in cerise silk outfits broke into song and dance in the kindergarten schoolyard.

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伤心的巴西球员无奈地躺在了本该让他们充满快乐的绿茵场上,而荷兰队和荷兰球迷却载歌载舞,庆祝着这场伟大的胜利Instead, it was the Oranje and their fans doing the dancing as Brazil’s players lay on the turf.

我们从不吝于载歌载舞,在幸福时刻与大家共享欢乐。We are not afraid to sing and dance, spreading our joy and including everyone when we are happy.

广西果里,苗族人们身着亮丽的民族服饰在山洞里载歌载舞。Ethnic Miao people dance and play flute in their best dresses during a dance gathering in a cave.

五月是一年里的第五个月。劳动节,或五一国际劳动节在五月一日。人们载歌载舞庆祝五一国际劳动节。母亲节也在五月。May is the fifth month of the year. Labour Day, or May Day, is on May 1st. People sing and dance.

往常,在两周的春节中全镇都在载歌载舞和漫天焰火的喧闹中度过。Normally, the town would convulse in singing, dancing and pyrotechnics during the two-week holiday.

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每年春天,人们在草地载歌载舞赞美感谢小高梵为人们画下的一切。And every spring, the People danced and sang the praises of Little Gopher who painted for the People.

同学们个个热情高涨,很多同学来到篝火前载歌载舞。Students were all in high spirits and many students went in front of the fire to sing songs or dance.

永远不会有一帮载歌载舞的舞男突然从哪儿冒出来,开始用洗发水为你洗发。A group of singing male dancers will ever appear suddenly out of nowhere and start shampooing your hair.