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这次竞选中的无名英雄。The unsung hero of this campaign.

您是无名英雄,又是教坛名师。You are unsung heroes, is the world famous.

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人生路漫漫,无名英雄,再唱一曲饶舌的情歌吧。Soar like a love song that stutters, life long, unsung.

他们是中国经济奇迹的无名英雄。They are the unsung heroes of the Chinese economic miracle.

红客是信息时代的无名英雄。White Hat hackers are the unsung heroes of the Information Age.

这些人才是信息革命的无名英雄。Such people are the unsung heroes of the information revolution.

广场上矗立着无名英雄纪念碑。There towers aloft in the square the Monument of Unknown Heroes.

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您是无名英雄,做了许多有助我们老百姓的事情。You are the unsung hero of so many deeds benefiting our citizenry.

世界献血日就是为表彰这些无名英雄设立的。It is to these unsung heroes that World Blood Donor Day is dedicated.

欧文也很感谢这两位“无名英雄”的捐献。Owen would also like to thank this "unsung heroes" for their contribution.

拾金不昧是中国人的美德,外译这片沃土上闪耀着拾金不昧的无名英雄之光。That is a virtue not pocket the money picked up. This fertile soil is glistening with hero.

但以理就是希伯来书第11章提及的无名英雄之一,因当日他「堵了狮子的口」。Daniel was one of those unnamed heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 who "shut the mouths of lions."

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粗略浏览一下“维基”百科质量最高的条目就不难发现,确实有许多无名英雄贡献出了自己的力量。Many heroes do chip in for anonymous glory, as is evident from the briefest glance at the best of the entries.

那各行各业的排头兵,正是我们这个时代的无名英雄,正是中华民族的中流砥柱!That the vanguard of all walks of life, is the unsung heroes of our times, it is the backbone of the Chinese nation!

销售员商业里的无名英雄,他们每天同竞争对手英勇“斗争”,从那些“傻傻的”想存钱的潜在客户手里赚钱。They battle daily and bravely against rival firms and consumers who foolishly prefer to save their hard-earned cash.

而要表达我对这些无名英雄的感激之情,我目前力所能及的事情只是给他们的小孩教英语。To help the children with their English was all I could do, at present, to show my gratitude to these unsung heroes.

对于Johnson来说,档案员是图书馆的无名英雄,他们具备编目的气质,通常都处理纸质的馆藏。For Johnson, archivists are the unsung heroes of the library, cataloging idiosyncratic, often paper-based collections.

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在人类的历史上,麦克斯韦是一位伟大的无名英雄。对于没有科学兴趣的人来说,这位物理学家中的物理学家的名字也许不代表着什么。Maxwell remains the great unsung hero of human progress, the physicists' physicist whose name means little to those without a scientific bent.

现在一定要有一批人搞后勤工作。这些人要甘当无名英雄,勤勤恳恳,热心为大家服务。We must now assemble a group of support service workers, who are ready to be unsung heroes and who are diligent, conscientious and devoted to their work.

古天乐继而将话题转到了四川地震上,“四川大地震中也有许多无名英雄,他们才是真正值得尊敬的。Louis Koo will then turn to the question of the Sichuan earthquake, "earthquake in Sichuan and there are many unsung heroes, they truly deserve our respect."