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你真够朋友。You’re a real pal.

你真够朋友。Some friend you are.

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你真够朋友!A fine friend you are!

你真是够朋友的!You are a true friend to me!

想要有朋友,先要够朋友。Want to have friends, first one.

交朋友的唯一方法是自己要够朋友。The only way to have a frend is to be one.

交友的唯一办法就是自己够朋友。The only way to have a friend is to be one.

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我只知道,他对我爸爸实在够朋友。I do know he is sort of a friend to my father.

我应该说一句,李娜不仅够朋友,还是个好女孩儿。I should say Li Na is a true pal and a good girl.

被派换班的警卫卡西尔很够朋友。Cahill, the guard assigned to that shift, was friendly.

你真够朋友,我现在就打电话约定面试。You are real pal. I'll call now to set up an interview.

我不认识你,但我愿意帮助你,你得够朋友。I don't know you, but I want to help you. You must be a friend.

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你现在成了我的竞争对手,你可真是够朋友啊!You're the competition now! Some kind of friend you turned out to be!

谢谢你,玛丽。你真够朋友。我现在就打电话约定面试。Thanks, Mary. You're a real pal. I'll call now to set up an interview.

谢谢你。麦琪。你真够朋友。我现在就打电话约定面试。Thanks, Maggie. You're a real pal. I'll call now to set up an interview.

奈杰尔帮助我解决了资金问题——他最够朋友。Nigel helped me through my financial problems-he's a friend of the first order.

陷进沙子里的他伸手去够朋友的手,但是离得太远了。Sinking in the sand, he reached for his friend's hand, but it was too far away.

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你必须能够邀请一个够朋友。我们将会给你的类别和名称,你会做休息。You must be able to invite an enough friends. We would give you the categories and names and you would do the rest.

既然是够朋友的哥们,只好顺水推舟支持他的收购行动,无论如何,工厂得到注资对自己也有利。As a friend indeed Steven has to make use of the opportunity to do him a favor. Anyway the factory will have money to operate and he Steven has benefit in it.

今后我们还会继续支持,帮助一些国家渡过难关。在座的企业家心里很清楚,中国够朋友。We will continue to render assistance and tide some countries over their difficulties. China is a friend indeed and I believe the entrepreneurs here all know it.