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1747年被罗德岛并吞。In 1747 Rhode Island annexed it.

美国于1845年并吞了得克萨斯。The United States annexed Texas in 1845.

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那大公司并吞了那小公司。The larger firm absorbed the smaller one.

英国于1955年并吞了苏格兰以西的这个小岛。Britain annexed this small island west of Scotland in 1955.

1923年起为巴勒斯坦一部分,1948年被约旦并吞。It was part of Palestine from 1923 until its annexation by Jordan in 1948.

一个大型的并吞将会破坏星盘,而在原处留下一个椭圆星系。A major merger wipes out the disk and leaves an elliptical galaxy in its place.

在19世纪中期的鸦片战争后,这些国家并吞了中国的领土。K. which annexed territory in the century thatfollowed the Opium Wars of the mid-19th century.

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随后,鲍勒用尖刀强迫伯约特咀嚼并吞下嘎内的肉。Subsequently, a sharp knives forced La Baolei special chew and swallow cackling sound about the meat.

科学家预期幼红斑会再被拉回去,最后将被并吞成为庞大大红斑的一部份。It is expected that the baby red spot will be pulled back and merge, becoming part of the giant storm system.

但是在狮心王国并吞他的国家后,他离开了他的国土并加入了斧与矛,等待能向狮心王国复仇的那一天。But after Lionheart kingdom absorbed his nation, he left his own land and joined Axe and Spear to wait a day to avenge.

到了其他五国一一被秦国并吞掉,他才着急起来,派兵去守西面的边界。To the other five countries have been the state of Qin, and gulp down 11, he would hurry up and send troops to keep the western borders.

做梦者把它取出并吞下,然后做梦者感到身体被爆炸成百万个太阳,向宇宙深处迸射。The dreamer takes out and swallows it. Then the dreamer's body explodes into a million suns, and the dreamer shoots off into the universe!

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在他有生之年,亚里士多德看到雅典,斯巴达,和其它重要的希腊城市,被北方的,马其顿帝国并吞。Within his own lifetime, Aristotle would see Athens, Sparta, and the other great cities of Greece swallowed up by the great Macedonian Empire to the north.

边缘海洋壳是玄武岩浆侵入并吞蚀破碎的大陆边缘地壳后形成的不同于大洋壳的新型洋壳。The marginal sea crust is another kind of oceanic crust, which was formed after the basalt magma engulfed and devoured the tattered continental margin crust.

本来是设计先让一艘船着火然后与一艘大点的船相撞的,但是火势很快失控并吞么了两条船。A small boat was set ablaze and collided with a larger boat as the filmmakers had intended, but the fire quickly raged out of control and engulfed both ships.

然而,格鲁吉亚政府紧急开会,称俄罗斯的行动是实际上进行并吞程序的一部分。格鲁吉亚称这种行动是违反国际法的。The Georgian government, nonetheless, met in emergency session and called the Russian action part of a defacto annexation process violating international law.

“大东合邦”、“亚细亚一体”、“大亚细亚主义”是近代日本侵华理论的一种重要形态,它与武力犯华论相反相成,形成了日本侵略中国的软硬两种理论形态,其实质都是并吞中国。All of the"great east merged states", "Asia as an integral whole"and"great Asianism"belong to a theoretical form for Japanese invasion of China in modern times.

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李鸿章不顾清朝内其他政治派别的反对,坚持要在俄国事实上并吞东北的条约上签字,进而沦为俄国在华利益的代理人。In spite other people objected, Li-hongzhang slicked to sign the agreement of occupying the north-east of China in fact , and became the agent of Russian interest in China.

德国在1939年9月尾并吞了波兰以后,纳粹德国将它们国内和奥地利的犹太人集中在波兰的内陆,称为“普通政府”的地区。Germany in September 1939 tail annexation of Poland after Nazi Germany and Austria to their domestic Jews concentrated in the interior of Poland, known as "ordinary government".

他扬言要恢复帝俄时期的疆界,并吞阿拉斯加,入侵土耳其,再次瓜分波兰,让德国人尝尝“另一个切尔诺贝利”核电站事件,让哈萨克斯坦成为“荒凉的焦土”。He has threatened to restore Russia's imperial borders, annex Alaska, invade Turkey, repartition Poland, give Germany "another Chernobyl, "turn Kazakhstan into a "scorched desert. "