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很相近,但也不尽相同。Close, but not quite.

请问相近有没有的士高?Is there a disco nearby?

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比分相近。The score was very close.

诗歌与音乐相近。Poetry belongs with music.

性相近,习相远。Of similar learning phase far.

请问相近有没有青年旅馆?Is there a youth hostel nearby?

呈铁灰色,柔软性和延展性与锡相近。It is iron-gray and fairly soft and ductile.

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她们是相近一家饭店的女服务员。They are waitresses from a nearby restaurant.

假设我们已知——这是一个相近的题型。Let's say that I have -- It is a close cousin.

树皮的汞含量与韧皮部相近。This had similar mercury levels to the phloem.

血源相近,在婚姻中是要避免的。Proximity of blood is to be avoided in marriage.

所有的记忆,曾与我那样相近,都渐渐模糊淡去。Bll of the memories, so close to me, just fade away.

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如使用相近或议员的限制,如信噪比,彼岸。Use titles such as Mr or qualifiers such as Snr, Esq.

颜色相近的鞋油也可以起到同样的作用。Similar color shoe polish can also play the same role.

戎马俑1974年在西安相近被发现。The terracotta warriors were found in 1974 near Xi'an.

因此这两个种亲缘上是相近的。Therefore the two species were close in consanguinity.

该典型分析值应与实际到货品质保持相近。The typical assays shall be close to the actual quality.

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颜色相近的鞋油也可以起到同样的作用。The shoeshine of color close also can have similar action.

耶和华阿,你与我相近。你一切的命令尽都真实。Yet you are near, O Lord , and all your commands are true.

在这里,我也附上两首容祖儿相近主题的歌曲。Here I have also attached two Joey's songs on similar theme.