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这是家常饭!This is home cooking!

她为我们做了一顿家常饭。She cooked us a homely meal.

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那个女孩习惯了家常饭。The girl is used to home cooking.

这好像很不成思议,但就是家常饭。It seems unthinkable, but that's the norm.

绝对是我的伙伴Ray的蔬菜咖喱,非常棒,你没法对家常饭说不。Definitely my partner Ray’s vegetable curry, it’s sublime, and you can’t beat home-cooked!

总之,中国人的家常饭没有你们想象的那么复杂和变态。All in all, the ordinary Chinese dishes are far from being disgusting and unbelievable as they have imagined.

寄宿旅社曾经是温暖友好的地方,你常常可以吃到家常饭菜,有一间带浴室的干净房间。Guest houses were warm and friendly places where you often could have a home-cooked meal as well as a clean room and bath.

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然而一旦他们找到了真爱,它就把幽默、烛光、家常饭菜、乐趣、冒险劲儿、诗意和喋喋不休的长谈带进了他们的生活。But love, when they found it, brought humor, candlelight, home-cooked meals, fun, adventure, poetry and long conversation into their lives.

如果她想成为一名每天做家常饭的完美的全职妈妈,她应该回头看着她的生活,然后想办法挤出时间来做这些事情,如If she wanted to be a full-time, perfect mom who cooked homemade meals everyday, she should’ve looked back at her life and figured out where to find the time to do all of it, such as

每个女人都能记住她上次她收到的鲜花,就像你永远不会忘记第一个除了妈妈之外的女人给你准备的家常饭一样,她将永远珍藏你的这份心意。Every woman remembers the last time she got flowers. Just as you never forgot the first time a woman other than your mom served you a home-cooked meal, she'll treasure this gesture forever.

所幸,在大部份社区里都有那么一些地方,在这里,无家可归的人可以进来吃上一顿由充满爱心的义工送上的家常饭,从而有一种归属感。Fortunately, in most American communities, there are places where those on the outside can come on in for some home-cooked food and a sense of belonging, served up warm by caring volunteers.