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我们在街头不期而遇。We ran into each other on the street.

人潮拥挤再也不会不期而遇。Crowded accidentaly across not anymore.

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在这里,他同一位名叫让娜的姑娘不期而遇。Here, he was named one of the girls Jeana chance.

她上星期在公园中和一个老同学不期而遇。She ran against an old schoolmate in the park last week.

既然我们不期而遇了,我想就没必要给你打电话了。Iguess I don't have to call you , now that I ran into you.

我游走了,去了美国,我们会看到他,和他不期而遇。I traveled, went to the U.S., and we’d see him and bump into him.

由于这不期而遇的相逢,他的手和肩部在抽搐。His hand and shoulder were twitching from the unlooked-for contact.

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玩蛇新手最有可能与这些蛇不期而遇。The first-time snake buyer is most likely to encounter these snakes.

有天下午,我们在湖边与一场雷雨不期而遇。Oneafternoon while we were there at that lake a thunderstorm came up.

落寞时读书,便如面对一位不期而遇的故人。Lonely, when reading, just like a peek into the face of a dead person.

梅尔兹说,在这种引发的不期而遇的兴趣下,这个项目的进展慢如蜗牛。Under the weight of this unanticipated interest, the project slowed to a crawl.

一只马来西亚花螳螂,蜷缩在鲜花中等待不期而遇的猎物。A Malaysian flower mantis, which crouches among flowers awaiting unsuspecting prey.

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不期而遇的糟糕情况让奥巴马总统寝食不安。This unexpectedly bad performance has placed the president in an uncomfortable spot.

下附口你与成功和失败不期而遇,把二者皆视为骗子。If you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those too imposters just the same.

在侦察过程中,普里森腾的骑兵与斯图亚特的人马不期而遇,从而上演了美国内战中规模最大的一次骑兵大战。Pleasonton ran into Stuart's cavalry, and the largest cavalry battle of the war ensued.

等你做好准备,上帝会知道,到时候,真爱总会不期而遇。The universe will know when you are ready, and when you are, true love will happen, unexpectedly.

对普通百姓来说,与新总统和第一夫人不期而遇总是一件令人惊喜的事情。For ordinary people, the unexpected encounters with the new president and first lady are astonishing.

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骑了24公里后,终于与一座大山不期而遇,我们在宽阔的高速路上骑行,交通状况很糟。After 24 km we still have to face a big mountain. We take the highway road and the traffic was very bad.

当你和这个生动颜色的章鱼不期而遇时,也许你会想去把它抓回家放在你的咸水浴缸里。Should you run across this tiny vividly colored octopus, you may think to grab it to take home to your salt water tank.

这种系统在常规性的解决问题时更有效率,但是却不太会有任何不期而遇的突破点。This top down system is more efficient at rational problem solving, but unlikely to produce any unexpected breakthroughs.